1Installation of build requirements
Change to the directory /opt and create a directory named libraries for the needed libraries. Change the owner of the directory to pi to get unrestricted access to the directory and the directroy under it.
cd /opt && sudo mkdir libaries && chown -R pi:pi ./libraries
MQTT Libraries
To build the main MQTT2LoRa bridge and the required libraries paho.mqtt.c/cpp we have to install some packages on RaspberryPi. For this we orientate primarily on the dependencies of the MQTT libraries.
The build process requires the following tools:
- CMake (http://cmake.org)
- Ninja (https://martine.github.io/ninja/) or GNU Make (https://www.gnu.org/software/make/), and
- gcc (https://gcc.gnu.org/).
On Debian based systems this would mean that the following packages have to be installed:
apt-get install build-essential gcc make cmake cmake-gui cmake-curses-gui
Also, in order to build a debian package from the source code, the following packages have to be installed
apt-get install fakeroot fakeroot devscripts dh-make lsb-release
Ninja can be downloaded from its github project page in the “releases” section. Optionally it is possible to build binaries with SSL support. This requires the OpenSSL libraries and includes to be available. E. g. on Debian:
apt-get install libssl-dev
The documentation requires doxygen and optionally graphviz:
apt-get install doxygen graphviz
For the operation of our MQTT2LoRa bridge we need of course a MQTT library. In this case we use paho.mqtt.cpp for C++. For this we first need to build and install paho.mqtt.c for plain C as follows.
Change to the newly created directory /opt/libraires and clone the current paho-mqtt-c repo from GitHub:
cd /opt/libaries
git clone https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.c.git
Build the mqtt library without tests but with SSL encryption for a secure connection and install it:
cd paho.mqtt.c
cmake --build build/ --target install
Once we have successfully built the paho.mqtt.c library, we can build and install the main C++ library. To do this, we change to the /opt/libraires directory and clone the corresponding repo from GitHub.
cd /opt/libraires
git clone https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.cpp
Build the mqtt C++ library statical with tests and documentation:
cmake --build build/ --target install
Boost C++ Libraries
This will download the Boost “superproject” (the master project, without any libraries) and place it into the subdirectory boost of the current directory. To override the directory name, pass it as a second argument instead of boost:
cd /opt/libraries
git clone https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git boost
You can now cd into the newly created directory with
cd boost
Then, download all the libraries:
git submodule update --init
This will build Boostdep from source using the default “toolset” (a Boost.Build term meaning “compiler”) and if successful, place it into the dist/bin subdirectory. The command assumes that b2 (the Boost.Build executable) is somewhere in your path. If you don’t have b2, execute:
Change your current directory to the Boost root directory and invoke b2 as follows:
.\b2 -j2 --with-timer --with-program_options
In particular, to limit the amount of time spent building, you may be interested in:
- List itemreviewing the list of library names with --show-libraries
- limiting which libraries get built with the --with-library-name or --without-library-name options
- choosing a specific build variant by adding release or debug to the command line.
When we reach this point, we have installed almost all the libraries we need. But the most important library to communicate with the SPI interface of the RaspberryPi is still missing. In this case the bridge is based on the popular WiringPi library. If we run the MQTT2LoRa bridge on a RaspberryPi with Debian10 we can install WiringPi directly from the package sources with the following command:
apt-get install wiringpi
In Debian 11, the wiringpi package has been removed from the official repository. So we have to build the corresponding library ourselves from the sources. For this we clone the following GitHub repo:
git clone https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi.git
To install wiringPi, the easiest way is to use the supplied build script:
that should do a complete install or upgrade of wiringPi for you. That will install a dynamic library. Some distributions do not have /usr/local/lib in the default LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To fix this, you need to edit /etc/ld.so.conf and add in a single line:
then run the ldconfig command.
sudo ldconfig
To un-install wiringPi:
./build uninstall
After all external dependencies are installed we can build the main bridge. For this we clone this repo to an arbitrary location, e.g. to /home/pi/projects as in our case.
Execute the following command if no projects directory exists in the home.
cd /home/pi && mkdir projects
git clone https://github.com/dokuhn/rpi_lora.git
When the current repo is cloned, we change to this directory and build the bridge with the following three commands:
cd rpi_lora && cmake . && make
After that we have built everything. Currently there is no possibility of specific builds. Everything is always built, the main bridge but also the tests needed by the development.
3Enable SPI Interface
To enable the SPI interface follow the steps documented by raspberrypi-spy.co.uk or google for the keywords Enable SPI Interface on Raspberry Pi . These instructions are very common and you will surely find what you are looking for.
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