A thought came to mind of which the Internet doesn't seem to have an answer yet. Namely would consuming a loaf of sliced bread working from the middle to its end yield better matched up slices of bread when laid on top of each other. It seemed pertinent to save this idea under GPLv3 license for posterity as the research is being done to see if this might indeed be a superior way of eating bread. It has to be noted that this approach is most interesting for those that stack multiple pieces of bread on top of another, contrasting folding a single piece of bread. If successful it could be applied to other foodstuff that follow a bell curve and benefit from stacking.
Lets answer the question: if you eat the bread from the middle out would the slices fit better??
The license under which this concept/idea/project is published.
GPLv3 huh? So where's the software code that's supposed to be distributed in source form? It looks like just an idea. As long as you've published it, disclosure has already been achieved.
So this was my initial reaction from reading the GNU.org website as well. GPL is a software license does it even fit a research "project". But after 2 minutes on GNU.org website I saw it referred to Software and other works.
I am currently in my 3rd minute on the GNU.org website and I start getting the feeling that I might have misinterpreted that sentence that this whole "GPLv3 is appropriate" statement was based on.
Sometimes though choosing a license, especially at the start of a project, functions well for communicating your intent of a project. In my case I wanted to defend an idea about bread consumption from falling into the hands of Big Bread or similar organization that might obfuscate it for profit or malicious reasons. Also I wanted to show everyone that wants to try this for themselves, or has ideas how to improve it, to not be afraid and that they are welcome to contribute.
Lastly just because this project doesn't have a software component at the moment doesn't mean it never will. There might be an augmented reality implementation for marking and tracking slices of bread that are supposed to go together or software to control a robotic middle of the bread dispenser. (foreshadowing there won't be; I am pretty bad in finishing and documenting projects and it doesn't help this one is outside my planned projects for the near future.)
I am super grateful for your input though and I start to see your point that GPLv3 might not be the best fitting license. The fact that you mention that publishing is already a great first step in defending against Big Bread (and others) fills me with hope and is very reassuring. If you have a better license or approach for documenting in mind feel free to share it. And of course it would make me happy if you give eating the bread from the middle out a try.
GPLv3 huh? So where's the software code that's supposed to be distributed in source form? It looks like just an idea. As long as you've published it, disclosure has already been achieved.