This is where i try to integrate everything in one project just for fun.
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In this project i just try to put everything together to study how it works.
I plan to expand and integrate everything into a useful thing.
View all 23 components
This Appears messy because of wrong font. Must be a fixed lenght.
Aug 28 2022 16:57:561Station_07 Loader of 18 Modules:Primary I2C Scan Got = 23 38 39 70 Primary I2C Scan DoneTCA I2C Scan Port 0 Got = 00 20 48 Port 1 Got = 5A Port 2 Got = 10 29 68 76 Port 3 Got = 23 38 39 Port 4 Got = Port 5 Got = Port 6 Got = 00 40 5A 60 76 Port 7 Got = 29 TCA I2C Scan Done 00: SCN S[ 23] D[158] OK 01: RAM S[ 181] D[ 1] OK 02: SI7 S[ 182] D[ 53] OK 03: BME S[ 235] D[123] OK 04: ADS S[ 358] D[ 0] OK 05: MCP S[ 358] D[ 10] OK 06: CCS S[ 368] D[204] OK 07: MIC S[ 572] D[ 0] OK 08: SI1 S[ 572] D[ 52] OKE (626) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num errorE (636) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error 09: VL5 S[ 624] D[ 72] OK 10: TCS S[ 696] D[620] OK 11: MLX S[1316] D[ 1] OK 12: BH1 S[1317] D[ 20] OK 13: MPU S[1337] D[639] OK 14: VE0 S[1976] D[ 4] OK 15: BMP S[1980] D[108] OK 16: VL0 S[2088] D[2001] OK 17: WS2 S[4089] D[ 1] OKLoad DoneRAM: Total 0528 regs of 0248 bytes each.Starting Timed Tasks
NOC: 000017 TOC: 000046 TIM: 01:00:49BME: T[29.43] P[1005.826] H[45.10] BMP: T[30.22] P[1005.495]SI7: T[29.46] H[43.67] CCS: eCO2[ 428] VOL[ 4] ADS: 1[ 131] 2[ 1348] 3[ 71] 4[17477](3.29V)MIC: Carb Mono[3.19] Diox Nitr[0.15] Amonio[0.18] Propano[74.27]MIC: Butano[70.54] Metano[194.24] Hidrog[0.45] Etanol[1.07]MCP: IN(A)[###-##-#] OUT(B)[--------] Int[--------](0)(0) BH1: Lux[41.67]SI1: VIS[ 261] IR[ 261] UV[ 0] PROX[ 255]TCS1: R[ 3467] G[ 3443] B[ 3588] C[ 7978] IR[ 1260]TCS2: C_R[ 2207] C_G[ 2183] C_B[ 2328] R_C[ 6718] LUX[48.95]TCS3: CR[0.16] AGX[ 60] ATMS[ 153] CPL[29.61]TCS4: MAX_LUX[737.69] K[5409.89]VE5: UVA[0.00] UVB[0.00] UVI[0.00]VE0: UVI[0]VL5: Distance [1739] mmMLX: Amb[26.93] Obj[25.91]MPU: Ax[0.00] Ay[0.00] Az[1.01] - Gx[0.01] Gy[-0.05] Gz[0.02]MPU: Mx[30.29] My[110.58] Mz[229.36] SumG[1.01] T[36.58'C]MPU: ANx[0.01] ANy[0.05] ANz[90.00] Pitch[-0.01] Roll[0.03] M[0]
All other commands are ignored with an error message.
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Tony Kambourakis
Rohma Khalid
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