Inspired by this.
Youtube video with 5 light effects:
First test:
7 WS2812 LED rings with in total 193 LEDs arranged on a laser cutted acrylic Christmas tree
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FastLED_Teensy.ino.zipZip Archive - 2.17 kB - 02/16/2019 at 06:15 |
tree.svgsvg+xml - 65.09 kB - 01/06/2017 at 16:33 |
Now added a video with the first five light effects based on the FastLED lib.
Now I have added the 193th LED at the top of the tree. A WS2812 8mm LED from Adafruit, which I have ordered a long time ago for testing purpose. After some try and error I figured out, that this LED needs RGB byte order instead of GRB like the WS2812 at the LED rings. So I decided to use a different GPIO pin of the Teensy to drive this single LED.
I have just assembled the acrylic tree with the 7 LED rings. I am also planning to add one special LED at the top of the tree. Using a Teensy 3.5 board and a 74HCT745 level shifter, next step will be the programming of different lightning effects. Should be finished before Christmas...
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Hello,... thank you for sharing this project.
I've downloaded the file but there is no RingBuffer.h file.
Can you help by uploading it here ?
Thank you and Merry Xmas.
will this do?
why do you need the 8mm WS2812 LED when you already have the rings
what is the 74HCT245 used for
and will a teensy 2.0 work?
- The rings from amazon have less LEDs and maybe different diameters, so you need a different structure to hold them.
- because it looks nice ;-)
- Teensy is 3.3V, but WS2812 is 5V, so the 245 works as a level shifter. Hundreds of other solutions out there.
- yes, a Teens 2.0 will work, even a Arduino Uno will work, just used the Teensy because I had one.
Do you have a number how much current (mA/A) this is using?
It depends, 300mA for my first testing animation. I am using the FastLED lib, so it's also possible to limit the maximum current via software.
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Yes you can see some more guide about this project here on 1 retinol serum I hope it will help you guys in buying a good product.