I recently implemented the ability to handle HEX strings (it stores them as a 32-bit binary value) and now it's much easier to work with hardware.
As an example, I demonstrate how to turn on the blue LED on GPIOA pin 2:
: blue_led 0x40010800 @ 0xFFFFF0FF and 0x00000300 or 0x40010800 ! ;
This is a very simple and inelegant solution, but it works!
There's some documentation on how/why it works here, but essentially it boils down to:
read the current GPIOA port config
apply a mask to clear the 4 bits for pin 2
apply the new pin 2 config
store the new GPIOA port config
execute the new word to turn on the blue LED
I think this shows the merits of Forth. It's possible to easily define more robust functions (words) which for example might take some arguments from the stack (ex: GPIO port, pin number, status), and then perform calculations on those values to set the new config - which could then be used to toggle any pin, etc. As long as you know the HEX address of the memory-mapped devices, pretty much all the hardware can be controlled and configured interactively.
As promised, I uploaded a README and some detailed documentation to GitHub. There's more information I plan on adding over time, but for the moment I think it's a good start.
When I say done, I mean "fully functional". There are still some optimizations and improvements I want to make in the future, but so far it's just about "done".