03/05/2023 at 21:38 • 0 commentsThe result is not as good as I could imagine however it is perfect for its functionnality <3
- The goods :
- Large screen : 10.3 inches
- everything I wanted plus :
- a full USB port which I can use to make my backup, to put some books, etc.
- The bads :
- a bit thick (but as expected),
- the battery lasts 6 hours (also expected),
- the touchscreen was very glossy. I had to put a mate protection,
- I must turn off the device with physical button because devices like radxa and other raspberry pi consume battery while halted (https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/raspberry-pi.html#typical-power-requirements)
- the sdcard is not accessible (although it is possible te remove it and insert it. it's just it is very hard to have access).
I can share the software parts if someone needs it :)
- The goods :
Second Step: the Software
03/05/2023 at 21:36 • 0 commentsFor the software part :
- Manjaro arm64 (https://github.com/manjaro-arm/radxa-zero-images/releases)
- XFCE4 panels : to create and manage big icons,
- i3 : to use the tiling manager and to close the applications,
- jgmenu : to make sub-menus, ie rotate the screen, send to other workspace
First step: the hardware
03/05/2023 at 21:35 • 0 commentsThree things I never doubt about : the device won't be any cheaper , it won't be as thin and the battery life won't be as long as the industrial prototypes.
Now, what did I use ?
- For the hardware part :
- a radxa zero,
- a touchscreen (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001166217016.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.33e8f19cQXYw0B),
- a flat external battery 26800mAh (but I used only the charger part and one li-po part),
- a e-paper screen (https://www.welectron.com/Waveshare-18436-103inch-e-Paper_1) + the HDMI driver board (directly bought from waveshare)
- some cables, ribbons, a micro usb expansion and 2 hdmi mini/micro adapters,
- a 128Go micro-sd card
- 3D printed parts
- Final dimensions : L 22.2 x l 18.2 x h 1.8
- For the hardware part :