
PhatStats PC Performance TFT Display

Arduino TFT PC Performance Monitor with Client software

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PhatStats ili9341 TFT PC Performance Monitor Display

PhatStats (TFT) form an Arduino serial display. HardwareSerialMonitor is a PC serial client, both are written by Rupert Hirst and Colin Conway.

HardwareSerialMonitor Windows client reads the hardware statistics from the PC.

This data is forwarded over the hosts’ serial  port to an Arduino compatible micro processor. It is then, displayed using the Phat-Stats sketch.

This project, assumes you have a above average experience with Arduino, the IDE and the compatible boards available.

The HardwareSerialMonitor was designed for dedicated GPU's . Your mileage may vary with Integrated Graphics

To help with construction there are hook up guides, links below:

Phat-Stats ILI9341 TFT Display Hook up Guide

Going Forward:

The project needs to be ported over to LibreHardwareMonitor , a fork of OpenHardwareMonitor  for future support, as this gets a lot more updates for new PC hardware. If anyone can help please get in touch, thanks.

Gnat-Stats (OLED) has moved to a new project page here

The above software/code is licensed under the following terms: 


GPL v3

Gnat-Stats, Phat-Stats & Hardware Serial Monitor Copyright (C) 2016 Colin Conway, Rupert Hirst and contributors

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; If not, see

HardwareSerialMonitor only was inspired by Psyrax's "SerialSender". Psyrax is given attribution and thanks, by being an honorary member of the project.

Alternative to HardwareSerialMonitor but uses LibreHardwareMonitor libraries. Requires .net6

x-zip-compressed - 3.96 MB - 10/06/2023 at 15:16


added experimental Intel Jasper Lake Support added experimental Intel Rocket Lake Support added experimental Intel AlderLake support added Alde Lake Mobile support added Intel RaptorLake support Boris Vogel

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x-zip-compressed - 171.34 kB - 06/20/2023 at 00:27


x-zip-compressed - 272.40 kB - 06/20/2023 at 00:24

Download Seeed Studio Round Display for XIAO - 1.28-inch round touch screen, 240×240 resolution

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bryant.eadon wrote 07/04/2021 at 16:41 point

Is there a use case for this in automobiles ?  Tapping into the ODBII interface, or CAN bus would be super interesting to build this into a generic "monitor this physical thing with a configurable HUD".      Given the similarities now with computers and Cars - this could really open up the doors to an interesting set of features.

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wivope7038 wrote 07/01/2021 at 03:06 point

suggestion: can we have a web server on the for example ESP32 version to access all the PC information on it maybe even remote out of the house if someone port forwarding the IP address or maybe just checking the temps and PC load from another room in the house.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 07/01/2021 at 21:21 point

While I have share your thoughts, it is beyond my ability.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 07/01/2021 at 21:22 point

Maybe someone would be willing to work on it?

Or try this

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Colin Russell-Conway wrote 07/15/2021 at 11:11 point

You'd need something with wifi or other networking and USB-Serial, so technically an ESP32 could work, but instead of writing to a screen you could alter the Arduino sketch to update a wepage or write it back to any of the hundreds of IoT home automation apps like ESPHome.  There are loads of tutorials online for those.

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wivope7038 wrote 06/26/2021 at 18:44 point

Sorry there was no replay bottom so I send new one here

you asked "Whats the screen brightness like when you connect it straight to 3.3v?"

It's great when connected straight to 3.3v but when I connect it to the pin 4 it's very dim

No I don't use any resistor

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Rupert Hirst wrote 06/26/2021 at 20:21 point

Yes replying on Hackaday is awful !!!

  ESP32 analogueWrite Function

you the above library installed?

because you can not set brightness without it!!!

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wivope7038 wrote 06/26/2021 at 21:23 point

Thanks man it worked, I had two ESP32 AnalogWrite library (ESP32_AnalogWrite)and(ESP32_ESP32S2_AnalogWrite) after I delete both of them and add the one you send I was able to change the brightness and it was bright enough.

Thanks again

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wivope7038 wrote 06/24/2021 at 11:11 point

Hey man, There is no "TML_ErriezRotaryFullStep.h" file in PhatStats_TFT_ESP32_BT_Experimental_V2.0.2.2 but there is "#include <TML_ErriezRotaryFullStep.h>" in the code.

also I decommented the Encoder_PWM2 but still I can't change the brightness with encoder and the screen brightness is too low almost unreadable.
How can I be able to change info which are shown on the screen manually? like the CPU and GPU logo or other texts? because I'm having AMD FX 6300 and R9 290 but some informations are missing.
Thanks for the great hack

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Rupert Hirst wrote 06/24/2021 at 15:39 point

Taken from the documentation in the code!!!


  Rotary encoder

you can not change the brightness on the encoder without it OFC.


/* Uncomment your CPU,*/
//#define AMD_CPU
#define INTEL_CPU
/* Uncomment your GPU,*/
//#define AMD_GRAPHICS


/* Manually name the  CPU,*/

//#define Manual_cpuName
String set_CPUname = "xxxxxxxx";

/* Manually name the GPU,*/
//#define Manual_gpuName
String set_GPUname = "xxxxxxxx";

/* Manually set GPU ram total,*/
//#define Manual_gpuRam
String set_GPUram = "xx";


/* Use the Rotary Encoder for variable PWM control, connected direct to the MCU PIN,*/
/* If commented the screen brightness will default to the fixed level below,*/

//#define Encoder_PWM2 // Use rotary encoder for PWM screen brightness control  3.3v

/*TFT Start Up Brightness*/
volatile int brightness_count = 130; // Start Up Brightness 0 - 255

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wivope7038 wrote 06/25/2021 at 22:33 point

Sorry I haven't read it before

Thanks a lot, all of them solved

but three more question :

1. I set the brightness value to 1000 is it okay? because the screen was so dim and still kinda is.


  if (brightness_count > 1000) {
    brightness_count   = 1000;


2. Can I connect two screen? like one ILI9341 and one SSD1306

If not have I will be able to connect one pro micro and one ESP32 to the same PC and drive the at the same time? cause on Hardware Serial Monitor I couldn't find such an option.

3. I saw Battery Monitor Voltage divider on Phat-Stats ILI9341 TFT Display Hook up Guide, Is that for monitoring with this version of code? cause I didn't find anything related to that in the code.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 06/26/2021 at 18:00 point

1. no only 0-255

volatile int brightness_count = 130; // Start Up Brightness 0 - 255

Whats the screen brightness like when you connect it straight to 3.3v?

if its too dim there is some issue with the screen anything over 200 is very bright on my screens. Are you using a resistor on the backlight?

2. No

3. its on version 2..0.6

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yusuf bayram wrote 06/21/2021 at 02:13 point

I use ILI9341 and XIAO with Neopixel ring. Everything is working well but Neopixel lights randomly and only red. I tried both 220 and 330ohm resistor between A6 and Din connectors and did not work. Is ist only suppouse to be 300ohm or I am doing something wrong? In the meantime I don't use Rotary.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 06/22/2021 at 12:24 point

#define enableNeopixelGauges //

All the resistor does is protect the data pin even 100 ohms would be fine

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Colin Russell-Conway wrote 07/15/2021 at 11:16 point

Yeah I'd go with a 100 ohms, but the XIAO may not have enough power for a neopixel ring, try dropping the neopixel brightness in the arduino sketch.  

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estoyarto wrote 05/15/2021 at 17:52 point

Hi, great project ! Its possible to use  , from and android of things kit?

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Rupert Hirst wrote 05/15/2021 at 19:52 point

No, it is not even remotely similar.

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estoyarto wrote 05/16/2021 at 00:14 point

Thanks Rupert!

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phamanhduc1011 wrote 05/11/2021 at 12:57 point

i tried phat stats, i modified the code to fit with my set up (no encoder, no neopixel) and the upload was successful. However, it keep showing NO COM DATA. I wonder if anythings could go wrong?

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Rupert Hirst wrote 05/11/2021 at 14:57 point

Thats not much information

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Ozkan wrote 05/05/2021 at 14:45 point

Hi, Can I turn off Auto Mode on HardwareSerialMonitor? Can I get it to start by selecting the port I specified?

For example; Let's start by selecting the COM7 port.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 05/05/2021 at 17:51 point

It does not make much of a difference anyway as it writes the last port to a config file in the folder. When HardwareSerialMonitor starts it uses this information.

So it will always start use the last port, except for BT where you have to manually click the port again. 

When it is in Automatic Mode the icon will be green.

Select the port you want to start, then click Automatic Mode at the top.

You will see a tick mark and the port named at the top in the Automatic Mode section.

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stefan.schnitzer wrote 05/04/2021 at 09:30 point

Very nice project, I built a version for my PC.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 05/05/2021 at 14:28 point

Thanks :) 

nice 3d printed enclosure

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yusuf bayram wrote 04/27/2021 at 21:43 point

Hello, I tried to upload the project to Seeeduino XIAO and It shows me error "No device found on COM*" Looks like i did everything correct as I see.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/27/2021 at 23:26 point

Do not use a USB hub, try a different usb port.

I have had problems with some USB3 ports when uploading

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yusuf bayram wrote 04/28/2021 at 00:05 point

I don't use USB hub and tried all USBs on my pc, Didn't change anything.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/28/2021 at 02:05 point

well i guess you messed up the flash.

Enter Bootloader Mode

Sometimes the Seeeduino XIAO port may disappear when user programming process fails. we can solve this problem by the following operation:

Connect the Seeeduino XIAO to your computer.
Use tweezers or short lines to short the RST pins in the diagram twice.
The orange LED lights flicker on and light up.
At this point, the chip enters Bootloader mode and the burn port appears again. Because the samd21 chip has two partitions, one is the Bootloader and the other is the user program. The product will burn a bootloader code in the system memory when it leaves the factory. We can switch modes by performing the above steps.

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yusuf bayram wrote 04/29/2021 at 00:34 point

Those steps worked. Thank you.

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Ozkan wrote 04/21/2021 at 19:42 point

hi, Everything works fine in the 1st picture, but when I enter the game, it is like the 2nd picture.



What is the problem ? Help pls.

im using Bluepill + 2.8 TFT (PhatStats_TFT_STM32F1_V1.6.3)

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ragook wrote 04/21/2021 at 23:17 point

Maybe you have a garbage un-shielded motherboard USB header adaptor?

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/23/2021 at 00:08 point

You could try this to slow the connection down

/* Delay screen event, to stop screen data corruption ESP8622 / ESP32 use 15 or 25, most others 5 or 0 will do*/

int Serial_eventDelay = 15;

It should'nt be doing it really, I have no problems with the STM32.

BTW, I am no longer supporting the STM32 I did one last update v1.6.5 you can find it in the files section

Going forward it will be ATSAMD  (including ESP32 maybe!!! due to bluetooth)

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Edgaras wrote 04/15/2021 at 10:02 point

Hello, does anyone else experienced issues with freezing? I got this built and it freezes every 5-10 mins, I have unplugged the USB and plug it back in so it would start showing live details again

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ragook wrote 04/15/2021 at 14:45 point

No Zero freezing here i run it all day long.

You havent provided much info.

What PC system ? What Arduino? Which Screen?

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Edgaras wrote 04/15/2021 at 14:52 point

Good point

cpu: ryzen 3600

ram: corsair rgb pro 3000 16gb

gpu: rtx 2060 msi ventus

mobo: asrock steel legend b450

I use Arduino micro + SH1106 1.3inch oled screen

Code works perfectly fine, top right corner flashes D1, D2, D3 (as separate pages of info) for few minutes, and then it stops refreshing and freezes with data on oled screen frozen and not changing anymore. Thats when I have to unplug USB, plug it back in and it starts working again until it freezes again.

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ragook wrote 04/15/2021 at 15:07 point

Are you using a USB hub?


              Plug the Arduino into a dedicated USB Port, try avoid using a USB hub. Timings can be critical to avoid garbled or corrupted screen info"

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Edgaras wrote 04/16/2021 at 13:07 point

direct usb to motherboard and front io panel tried, both same result. Actually motherboard USB froze faster than front io port

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/16/2021 at 13:46 point

i have heard that Ryzen motherboard chipsets have a problem with frequent USB disconnects

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phamanhduc1011 wrote 04/15/2021 at 09:56 point

there are ILI9225 driver displays in my area, LCD TFT 2.2 SPI to be specific. Is this screen be used with this project?

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/15/2021 at 14:41 point

ILI9225 resolution 176x220

ILI9341  resolution 240x320

It has to run native, its not like a TV with scaling

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phamanhduc1011 wrote 04/15/2021 at 23:50 point

thanks for your response

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cagancelik88 wrote 04/12/2021 at 10:51 point

Just curious why has bluepill support been dropped without any explanation? I also cannot see latest working bluepill & tft lcd combo (which was v1.6.3) in your file.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/12/2021 at 16:22 point


STM32 was dropped because all the PM's regarding problems are to do with the BluePill. It is also, harder to maintain, as some features going forward simply will not be supported. 

The BluePill maybe be cheap at $3 but, so is the QT-PY $6 and XION $5

I don't save money when someone choses a BluePill over the alternative, I just get questions which involve lengthy answers.

The goal was always to have one platform, to rule them all :)

PS: The has been updated

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Ozkan wrote 04/06/2021 at 14:15 point

When I compile the code, I get an error like the picture.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/06/2021 at 21:00 point

Look at the error and  try reading the line regarding the adafruit grfx library in the sketch

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Ozkan wrote 04/08/2021 at 19:01 point

I am using BluePill, all my connections are as in the diagram. I have successfully compiled the code and loaded it into the microcontroller and connected everything correctly. I see nothing but the white screen.

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tahaguven wrote 03/30/2021 at 16:11 point

Seeeduino XIAO I hooked up with. white screen appears. what would be the reason ?

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minidaveo wrote 03/31/2021 at 14:59 point

same for me, tried connecting the rotary to 5v and still nothing

perhaps there is a resistor , a high/low output command or external power that’s needed to get it to work??

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tahaguven wrote 03/31/2021 at 18:29 point

I applied exactly what the project wanted.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/31/2021 at 19:31 point

Same for me? Tried connecting the rotary encoder?

5v what are you using? the only Arduino boards that Phat Stats use a rotary encoder on are 3.3v MCU's unless you want to blow a pin

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minidaveo wrote 03/31/2021 at 19:51 point

I’m using the seeed xiao

I used the 5v from pin 13 as per shown on the pin out picture you have on your website

tried the 3.3v pin 11 first but nothing and looking on the internet the rotary can take 5v vcc anyway

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/31/2021 at 20:01 point

I don't use the 5v pin.

The rotary encoder can take 5v sure but the XIAO can not its a 3.3v micro

find this line in the Config settings

#define enableQTPYneopixel      // uncomment to disable QT-PY built in Neopixel if you have a XIAO

and change it to

//#define enableQTPYneopixel      // uncomment to disable QT-PY built in Neopixel if you have a XIAO

Maybe the it is interfering with a pin number on the XIAO

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minidaveo wrote 03/31/2021 at 20:12 point

will try that tomorrow, my setup is currently at work

appreciate the help

just to confirm you are running the screen, rotary and xiao off the usb cable power and no other external power source??

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/31/2021 at 21:05 point

It powers from USB only, the rotary encoder does not even have to be connected

the board files in the code are for the QT-PY

Maybe you should get familiar read this beforehand. dalgibbard is using the XIAO

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/01/2021 at 00:22 point

I tried a XIAO it works Perfectly

check your pins and select the correct board before you upload

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/31/2021 at 19:27 point

 I have never tried a XIAO but it is pin compatible and the same ATSAMD as a QT-PY.  They are made to be compatible with each other

Did you install the board core in Arduino  correctly according to Seeed?

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minidaveo wrote 03/31/2021 at 19:54 point

yes libraries and board manager as per your instructions from your code were installed

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/31/2021 at 21:05 point

Maybe you should get familiar read this beforehand.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/01/2021 at 00:20 point

I tried a XIAO it works Perfectly

check your pins and select the correct board before you upload

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minidaveo wrote 04/01/2021 at 07:42 point

it works! Updated the board manager to seeeduino that’s where I went wrong, perhaps you could update your files to include the seeeduino_boards_index.json path so others can use that for the XIAO instead of the QT-PY 

many thanks again

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/02/2021 at 01:04 point


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yusuf bayram wrote 04/03/2021 at 09:09 point

I have the same issue with BluePill. I succesfully compiled and uploaded the code to the micro controller and the hooked up everything correct. I don't see anything but the white screen.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 04/03/2021 at 13:24 point

Upload to this standard example graphic test.

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yusuf bayram wrote 04/03/2021 at 16:15 point

Thanks for answer. I uploaded the example and it was the same white screen and I realized one or two solders that I made on BluePill pins wasn't good. Now it's working properly.

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Don wrote 03/27/2021 at 00:28 point

Got an oddity on PhatStats 1.6.2. I used an Adafruit Feather M0 Express,  2.8" HiLetgo ILI9341 display from Amazon (same display I used with GnatStats 1.5 TFT), with the rotary encoder option. When my CPU and GPU clock down to idle (800MHz for CPU, 300MHz for GPU) I still have a trailing digit wth the MHz overlaid on it (numerically 800 looks like 8000 for the CPU, 300 looks like 3005 for the GPU for example). Any ideas on how to fix this?

Edit: created a workaround in the code (for now, unless there is no other fix).

Changed the cpu clock ctring to use text size 3 instead of 4, coded in a trailing space. Did the same for the MHz.

    tft.setCursor(105, 55);
    tft.print(cpuClockString); //CPU Freq
    tft.print(" ");
    tft.print("MHz   ");

I also did the same for the gpu string setup. I have made some other edits that fit my build better. If my edited version can be helpful, I can upload it somewhere.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/27/2021 at 18:15 point


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cagancelik88 wrote 03/26/2021 at 18:46 point

Unfortunately the last update broke the NeoPixel for me. It used to work in previous version. Although I'm not sure if it was working the way it's supposed to be because I got it working just today. The LEDs were responding to GPU and CPU utilization somehow but colors seemed a bit off or random.

I was checking this page then I realized that there's a new version. As I said uploading it to my Pro Micro made the LEDs go completely dark now. My screen is SH1106 and I'm using 220 Ohm resistor between ProMicro's "D10" pin and NeoPixel's "DI" pin.

Here are some images:

nvm figured it out: I had to uncomment #define enableNeopixelGauges

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cagancelik88 wrote 03/24/2021 at 20:55 point

Hey there,
Can I get some info on how to print or cut the overlay for gnat-stats? How was it made? And where can I find that glass/plastic top piece? Thanks!

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/25/2021 at 22:08 point

The glass and chrome bezel were from a car voltage meter.

The overlay was cut out with a Cricut

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cagancelik88 wrote 03/26/2021 at 18:41 point

Thank you very much!

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tahaguven wrote 03/23/2021 at 10:41 point

Hello there. I am using bluepill and an ILI9341 display. but the articles do not appear properly. what is the reason of this ? thanks.

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ragook wrote 03/23/2021 at 23:11 point

so little information

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ragook wrote 03/24/2021 at 19:39 point

What Arduino STM32 core are you using?

you need to use this

Not the official STM32 core it is slow.

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tahaguven wrote 03/24/2021 at 21:49 point


I use

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ragook wrote 03/24/2021 at 22:30 point

The chip it is what is used in the arduino ide the core is not.  Hmmmmmm.

See... we shall

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/25/2021 at 23:10 point

STM32F103C8T6  is not the core.

The core is what the Arduino Software uses for each different boards

For the BluePill you must use

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tahaguven wrote 03/25/2021 at 23:15 point

ok i did everything here. the result has not changed. 

my screen is 240x320 does it matter? ILI9341 2.8 "240x320

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/26/2021 at 00:38 point

you are using the same screen as i am using.

Did you upload the code again using the new core?

You should see this exactly this when selecting the board in the Arduiino IDE

Have you tried it on another PC? do you get the same result?

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tahaguven wrote 03/26/2021 at 11:03 point

I did everything from there

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tahaguven wrote 03/26/2021 at 11:04 point

I will try it on another computer.

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tahaguven wrote 03/26/2021 at 20:16 point

another computer is the same. It works on first boot and is corrupted afterwards.

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/26/2021 at 22:18 point

try this

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tahaguven wrote 03/27/2021 at 11:13 point

has not changed. the result is the same

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/27/2021 at 20:30 point

Try this version

Change the pins for the encoder according to the pins.txt

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tahaguven wrote 03/27/2021 at 21:08 point

the result has not changed the same :(

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/28/2021 at 02:53 point

I really don't know then. 

I know what is happening just not why on yours

What does it say on the Chip

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tahaguven wrote 03/28/2021 at 11:13 point

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tahaguven wrote 03/28/2021 at 11:16 point

let me show the screen. which might be the problem?

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tahaguven wrote 03/28/2021 at 21:34 point


I ordered. Do you think the problem is related to the card?

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Rupert Hirst wrote 03/31/2021 at 09:57 point

Your ILI9341 TFT is good, I do not know if it is your BluePill, my works great.

You could try changing the below value in the PhatStats Config settings 


/* Delay screen event, to stop screen data corruption ESP8622 use 25, most others 5 or 0 will do*/
int Serial_eventDelay = 0; //


Try values from  5 to 25

it should not need anything for a STM32 but its worth trying

Which ATSAMD did you buy?

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tahaguven wrote 04/04/2021 at 12:48 point

problem solved. The USB driver needs to be plugged directly into the motherboard. When I plug a USB in the safe, the writings are corrupted. thank you.

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