
ESP32 Powered Smart Plant Monitor

With E-Ink display and capacitive, replaceable soil probes

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Have you ever wanted to monitor the soil humidity of your plants? If yes, you probably have already tried many of the cheap modules available on many sites and noticed that after only a month or two in the soil they corrode like crazy.

Then what? They are thrown away in the trash ...

Some capacitive modules have a longer life however they are still so inacurate, cannot be calibrated and when they eventually die too. What a waste!

The Smart Plant Monitor (a monitor for smart plants) takes advantage of the ESP32-S3's touchpad feature which has all the circuitry needed to monitor capacitance. Pair that with a cheap, replaceable soil probe (or even just stick a copper wire in the ground!) and you got yourself a nice little device that can reliably measure capacitance.

More than that, this module can be reused for and combined with any other projects, thus reducing the number of components you need.

Overall features:

  • Low power and small size (45x45x10mm)
  • Rechargeable and programable with Arduino
  • By adding a USB port to a small solar panel you've created a simple add-on
  • Can communicate via WIFI or Bluetooth
  • One device can stay plugged in all the time (act as hub) while the others send updates to it (low power mode)

Back of the main board. Features:

  • ESP32-S3 supports capacitance measuring directly, through the touchpad circuitry
  • TP4056 charging + protection circuit
  • USB C with 5.1K resistors added
  • 3.3V LDO for powering everything
  • Circuitry for a 1.54" E-Paper display (goes on the back)
  • AHT20 IC for local air humidity and temperature measurement
  • Card edge connector for easy and cheap "soil probe" PCB swap
  • 2 GPIO buttons (one connected to GPIO0) and 1 status LED

Front of the main board. Features:

  • Battery on-off switch
  • I2C header for possible module addition
  • E-Paper display
  • Slim LiPo battery goes under the display. Could fit up to 4x40x30mm (usually 450-500mAh)

Soil probe. Features:

  • No components and connectors added, just the bare PCB
  • Cheap and easy to replace when they eventually breakdown in the soil
  • Solder pads avaialble if you'd like to add a 0603 component (LED or Thermistor for soil surface temperature). Connected to GPIO through a 2K resistor
  • Can be in any size and shape you'd like as long as the top matches the conector (calibration and adjustments are done in software)

Schematic_Plant Monitor SMD.png

High level schematic

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 290.25 kB - 06/21/2023 at 08:16


Gerber_PCB_Plant Monitor

Gerber file that can be used to directly order the main PCB from any manufacturing site you'd like

x-zip-compressed - 189.31 kB - 06/21/2023 at 08:16



Gerber file that can be used to directly order the small soil probe PCB from any manufacturing site you'd like

x-zip-compressed - 6.51 kB - 06/21/2023 at 08:16


BOM_Plant Monitor SMD V2.csv

Bill of Materials for the main PCB (for 1 PCB)

Comma-Separated Values - 5.57 kB - 06/21/2023 at 08:16


Gerber file that can be used to directly order the large soil probe PCB from any manufacturing site you'd like

x-zip-compressed - 6.58 kB - 06/21/2023 at 08:16


  • 1 × Custom PCB board For design files and detailed build instructions please check the files section
  • 1 × Custom case For design files and detailed build instructions please check the files section
  • 1 × (Optional) Custom capacitive soil probe For design files and detailed build instructions please check the files section
  • 1 × 3.7V Li-Po battery 500mAh (size: 502534)
  • 1 × (Optional) 10K NTC with connector

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