Revision 3 closeup on sealing input and leak channel geometry.
Coaxial8or R2
Revision 2 with nozzle and holder installed.Extrusion from 1.2mm nozzleWhite around black PETG
Top: Magenta around black Middle: White around magenta Bottom: Yellow around magenta
Coaxial8or R0
Revision 0 without CHC Pro or holder installedProduces colours with one side slightly darker than the other:Transparent blue around whiteWhite around copper
4-in-1-out Coaxial Hotend
I suspect that E-steps was twice as large as they should be.
L49 [X][P][T] CR600S setup and first test prints - Tests 4-in-1-out hotend - Thoughts on BotObjects 5-in-1-out hotend heatsinks - Direct drive idea - Failed due to leaks so only got 2 short prints
FFF 3D printing, in general, is looking like it is near the ceiling of possible features, but please note that this perception is coming from someone that believes that a #Liquid Laminate Lithography 3D Printer [gd0105] can be engineered into reality.
However, there was and still is a specific project that I wanted to pursue before I even owned my first printer (the late-2016 CR-10) which was to upgrade it to multi-colour. I had bought a diamond nozzle kit along with the printer, but it was so large that I never got around to mounting it and setting it up. Since then, I transitioned from a volcano heatblock to the NF THC-01 (a 3-in-1-out switching hotend).
Because I was thinking that I was going to be printing in PETG and PBT more in the future, and the THC-01 uses PTFE in its heatbreak, I decided to start designing the #Revolving Hotend [gd0012], but eventually I just decided to drop development one day; maybe the glamour of the project finally lost against the scepticism of the design. In all this time, my CR-10 has been in the longest "update cycle" to date and hasn't printed since probably late 2019.
It also seemed like hope was lost when Deckingman, one of the few remaining hobbyist experimenters for multi-material printing, announced that he was moving on from his 6-in-1-out hotend project.
Fast forward to the start of 2023 when I'm researching the difference between MGN9 and MGN12 rails and I see this:
Me: Hmm? Why are there so many upvotes? *Sees wall is the exact same colour throughout* Me: They said it couldn't be done.
At the time of writing, I currently don't have a multi-material printer, and quite a few of my designs (such as #Teti [gd0022]) are dual colour prints. Conveniently, I bought loads of white filament, and it would be great to just buy 3 more spools to get any specific shade I want, such as the elusive milky green (#b2bcac).
I started the project once Nozzleboss/Heinz provided more details in his project, which was sometime in April 2023.
[2024 - Feb 20] After spending months and finally sending off the heatblock to be printed, I thought of "coaxial8or" as the name for it. Beforehand, this project was called the "Coaxial Hotend".