History of Changes
05/24/2023 at 21:35 • 0 comments# Speak To Me #
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# TESTED ON: Python 3.9 on Raspbian Bullseye 64 bit (May 5 2023 release)
# Version 1.39 (May 20, 2023)
# Fix AM/PM reading for times between 4 and 6 PM
# Version 1.38 (May 14, 2023)
# Change bouncetime to 100ms
# Add 0.1 seconds sleep before checking input
# Version 1.37 (May 14, 2023)
# CHange bouncetime=100
# Debug statements for initial log file open
# pause slightly after reading log file close
# add sys.stdout.flush() after closing log file for read
# add TIME_PRESSED to check for elapsed time and ignore quick press
# set default start time to 0
# add delay after say_phrase before calling subprocess
# ??? use DEVNULL for stdin does it defaukt to subprocess.PIPE???
# ??? or use universal_newlines=True if it's a problem with ^M is lines
# change log file open to log = open(name, "w", 1) # line-buffered
# log.flush() in the main processes has no effect on the file buffers in the child processes
# Version 1.36 (May 13, 2023)
# Check for internet connected inside say_phrase(sayAloud...
# Play a prerecorded phrase when internet is down and don't exit program
# Pull everything out of function and put into GPIO callback button and it works
# add in folderName and description variables to GPIO if clause
# Version 1.35 (May 12, 2023)
# Test code using Red button to call playAudioFromFolder("news", "CBC WORLD NEWS")
# Version 1.34 (May 12, 2023)
# Set home_dir to script path
# Change name of Client Secret File constant to CALENDAR_OAUTH_FILE
# Test Green button to see if it will play from last spot stopped
# Attempted to use SIGKILL to stop sox process when program killed but was not saving Aborted message in log file
# Use SIGTERM when button pressed to retain ABORTED message in SOX Play log file
# Version 1.33 (May 10, 2023)
# Check test GREEN button using trim parameter with stop/start and different times
# Set SOX_CMD to full play path
# Remove PLAYING_AUDIO constant - use SOX_ID instead
# Version 1.32 (May 9, 2023)
# Add process ID to Audio Folder play function
# Merge today and tomorrow's events into one button
# Use another button for Audio Folder chapters
# Add global SOX_ID to Audio Folder function
# Version 1.31 (May 9, 2023)
# Test kill of subprocess when 4th button clicked
# Stop playback if button press causes Sox process to be killed
# Version 1.30 (May 9, 2023) - edited from v 1.27
# Add cbc news to 4th button
# Version 1.27 (April 20, 2023)
# Get start end dates collection before any announce events call# Version 1.26 (April 6, 2023)
# Use shlex.split for popen args
# add delay after popen
# use creationflags=subprocess.DETACHED_PROCESS | subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP (windows)
# start_new_session=True
# Version 1.25 (April 5, 2023)
# Use sox -d instead of play
# Change play command to use -d for sox device and - ta alsa to hide encode error
# hard code home directory instaed of os.getcwd to work with rc.local
# Tested use with rc.local and shell script
# Change say_phrase back to using play command
# Version 1.24 (April 3, 2023)
# Test version with cancelling GPIO inputs while button pressed
# Version 1.23 (March 29, 2023)
# Change kill process back to SIGTERM
# Split play command into array for all items separated by white space
# Change subprocess.Popen call to specify executable parameter
# Version 1.22 (March 26, 2023)
# Try to find out why process can't be killed
# Split command into arguments and try running Popen with shell = False
# Make sure to install latest RPi.GPIO (pip install RPi.GPIO==0.7.1)
# Find way to add to rc.local to start program and exit (using nohup?)
# Version 1.20 (March 23, 2023)
# Use terminate command for SOX_PROCESS instead of SIGTERM signal
# Remove EXEC command in order to kill subprocess later
# Add communicate after kill process
# Version 1.19 (March 23, 2023)
# Add back in SUBPROCESS for call/Popen to use for termination
# Version 1.18 (March 23, 2023)
# Use -t alsa to get rid of ALSA warning message
# Fix subprocess to play mp3 chapters and save to log file with -t alsa
# Replace Popen with Call and split of arguments for subprocess
# Version 1.17 (March 18, 2023)
# Convert to latest Raspbian Bullseye 64 edition Feb 2023
# Use os.getcwd to set home_dir foldername for paths
# Eliminate trying to say phrase when Internet connection not found
# Change Button1_GPIO to GPIO 4
# Version 1.16 (December 17, 2022)
# Set environment variables to remove fork errors from grpcio
# Version 1.15 (December 11, 2022)
# Assign meal times to blue button
# Fix syntax error
# Assign COLOR constants using GPIO constants
# Version 1.14 (December 7, 2022)
# Remove leading zero from time of day hours
# Remove deleted events (showing up as CANCELLED)
# Fix detail of time of day for morning, afternoon and evening
# Add split character to handle spaces in audio play filename
# Notify aloud if no internet connection to Google
# Fix button to say today and tomorrow
# Version 1.11 (September 4, 2022)
# Modify buttons 3 and 4 to say TODAY and TOMORROW
# Version 1.10 (August 8, 2022)
# Insert Audio Folder error message before playing
# Check for no sox log file to restart playing at first file
# Version 1.09 (June 26, 2022)
# Add NOSTART argument for testing
# Adjust meal start times
# Modify AM/PM to morning, afternoon, evening
# Trim code to use one call back function with code dependent GPIO channel
# Version 1.06 (April 16, 2022)
# Use full path to sox play command
# Add audio folder description to playing audio phrase
# Version 1.05 (April 7, 2022)
# Add second audio folder to play audio from
# Replace AUDIO with AUDIO1 and AUDIO2 parameters on startup
# Modify buttons to group meal and today/tomorrow
# Modify buttons to play second audio folder
# Modify Play_audio_from_folder to pass folder name
# Modify sox log file to use audio folder
# Remove welcome message from future events
# Version 1.04 (March 21, 2022)
# Swap today/tomorrow with play audio folder buttons
# Fix am to say A.M.
# Version 1.03 (March 17, 2022)
# Add extra message for playing audio to use button to stop
# Attach new button GPIOs
# Add events for buttons
# Version 1.02 (March 6, 2022)
# Add GPIO interrupts to test for button pushes
# Add Internet connection testing
# Version 1.01 (March 1, 2022)
# Add Audio option to play files in order from folder
# Version 1.00 (Feb 28, 2022)
# Google TextToSpeech (TTS),
# Google Calendar API,
# sox audio player to play files from folder of mp3s
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