
Automatic Water Bottle

Learn How to Create A Switch Adapted Water Bottle

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The Automatic Water Bottle lets individuals with disabilities drink independently. Enabled by an assistive switch, the user can control a motor pump to hydrate independently, reducing reliance on caregivers. This tool not only promotes regular hydration, a critical aspect of health, but also builds self-confidence and a sense of self-efficacy. The device may also serve as a therapeutic aid by providing a practical and reliable way to practice motor skills. This adaptable solution is suited for individuals with a broad spectrum of disabilities, reinforcing its position not just as a means of hydration, but as a new mechanism for bolstering independence and promoting better health management.

Demo Video 1:

Demo Video 2:

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This project aims to empower individuals with disabilities by providing a mechanism for independent hydration. The Switch-Adapted Water Bottle employs an accessible button that activates a submersible water pump to push water through a straw. When the user presses the button, the water flows freely, allowing for easy drinking without the need for manual manipulation of the bottle.

This innovative DIY Switch-Adapted Water Bottle project brings substantial benefits to its users, particularly those with disabilities who face challenges when performing everyday tasks. The primary benefit is the promotion of independence. With the integration of a simple switch adapted button and a submersible pump, the user can hydrate themselves independently, reducing the reliance on caregivers and enhancing their self-confidence. This significantly improves their quality of life, fostering greater autonomy and dignity.

Moreover, this project has the potential to spark further innovation in the field of assistive technology. By sharing this build on platforms like Hackaday, we're inviting a community of tinkerers, makers, and inventors to refine and expand upon the design. The Switch-Adapted Water Bottle is a stepping stone towards a more inclusive world, where technology serves to bridge gaps and ensure everyone can enjoy the basic pleasures of life, like enjoying a sip of water, independently.

Troubleshooting Guide for the Switch-Adapted Water Bottle

Even with careful assembly, you may encounter some issues when first testing your switch-adapted water bottle. Here are some common problems and suggested solutions to help you troubleshoot.

Pump Not Working

If the pump isn't working when you press the switch adapted button, you may need to prime the pump manually. This is because some pumps cannot pump air and need water inside to start functioning. To do this, you will need to suction water through the tubing yourself until water reaches the pump. This can be done by using a syringe or by applying gentle suction to the straw (be sure to clean the straw afterward).

No Water Flow

If the pump appears to be working but no water is coming out of the tube, check the following:

  • Blockages: Ensure that there are no blockages or kinks in the tubing that could prevent water flow.
  • Tube Connections: Check that the tubing is securely connected to the pump and that the sealant around the tube hole is not obstructing water flow.
  • Make sure the water level is filled high enough to fully cover the motor.

Electrical Issues

If the pump is not activating at all when you press the switch adapted button, it could be due to an issue with the electrical connections or power supply. Here's what to check:

  • Wiring Connections: Ensure all wired connections are secure and properly soldered. Check the connection between the USB cable and the switch adapted button, and make sure the black wires are connected to the black ones, and the red wires are connected to the switch adapted female mono cable.
  • Power Supply: Check that your power supply is providing enough power. The pump requires a 5-volt power source to operate correctly. Check your power source (such as a power bank or USB wall adapter) to ensure it is outputting the correct voltage.

Remember, always perform troubleshooting and repairs with the device disconnected from the power source to avoid accidental activation or electrical shock.

Safety Considerations and Legal Disclaimer

Safety is paramount when creating and using DIY projects, especially those designed to aid individuals with disabilities. This switch-adapted water bottle, while designed to promote independence and ease of use, presents potential risks that must be thoroughly understood and addressed.

Aspiration Risk

The primary safety concern when using this device is the risk of aspiration. Aspiration occurs when water or other liquid enters the airway or lungs, which can lead to severe complications...

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Wiring Schematic .png

Wiring Schematic

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 200.81 kB - 05/24/2023 at 02:47


View all 6 components

  • 1
    Drill a hole in the gooseneck tubing

    Identify a spot near the top of the gooseneck tubing to drill a hole. This hole will be used to thread the USB cable that powers the water pump. Ensure the hole is large enough to comfortably fit the USB cable, but not too large that the cable moves freely.

  • 2
    Cut the USB cable

    Depending on the length required, cut the USB cable. Keep in mind that the cable needs to reach from the pump, through the gooseneck tubing, and to the switch adapted button.

  • 3
    Thread the USB cable through the hole

    Take the cut end of the USB cable and thread it through the hole you drilled in the gooseneck tubing.

View all 11 instructions

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StacyGallager wrote 05/25/2023 at 02:52 point

This is amazing and life changing!  Cant wait to make this for my daughter!  Thank you so much for sharing.  

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jeffebin wrote 05/25/2023 at 02:54 point

Thanks!  Happy to help :)

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jeffebin wrote 05/24/2023 at 18:06 point

For more similar project check our my website at 

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