For those who do not know what a Sybian is they are a vibrating platform used in the Kink environment. Mostly they just work but are not an inexpensive device. Using what I had learnt from the many repairs I have done on both the originals and the clones I decided to design my own platform.
Most of the mechanism was printed on a 3D printer, the silicone appliance for the top was cast using a 3D printed split mold, the bearings, main shaft. retainers were made from Steel and Brass. The motor came from a 14.4V Cordless Drill.
Speed controller was made using a IRF540, Opto Isolator and an Arduino Mini Pro.
There are two modes, the first being free running where the unit outputs a constant vibration, the second mode is a kind of ramp mode where the motor is ramped up and down to level set by the pot on the pendant .
First Test of the Mechanisim
Final Test with the new pendant and mode settings
Vibrating Saddle Assembly Drawing v1.pdf
Assembly Details
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12/29/2016 at 22:12
hello, can someone please explain how the motion and power gets transferred here to me ? I just see a shaft and multiple bearings so i Dont see how anything of the upper Bart would move. Is there a execntric Part i an missing ?
On the left (in the first picture) you can see a smaller pulley (brass) and that connects to the larger 3D printed pulley on the left of the motor I excluded the belt in the picture.
I made my one up. well have actually made a few now using a lathe and a spacer to offset the shaft ends. I have heard of a few people fabricating it using bolts but never heard back as to how well this worked.
it's possible view the video?