
Keurig Particle.IO

Automate a Keurig K60 using a Particle.IO Photon, then integrating in with Samsung Smarthings with custom DeviceHandler

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Automate a Keurig K60 using a Particle.IO Photon, then integrating in with Samsung Smarthings with custom DeviceHandler. This involves taking apart the Keurig and cutting 2 wires and splicing into 4 wires.

This Project has the following features:

1) Turn Keurig K60 on/off remotely

2) Brew Small, Medium, Large remotely and using the buttons

3) Set the clock with the Keurig is powered on

4) Detect when the Keurig is low on water

5) Detect when the Keurig is on or off

6) Cycle the Kcup compartment sensor to make it possilbe to power on and brew a cup remotely

7) A custom device handler for SmartThings, this will allow you to geofence and turn off your Keurig, when you leave the house.

A couple of videos showing it in action:


sch - 226.28 kB - 01/03/2017 at 05:31



Adobe Portable Document Format - 16.76 kB - 01/03/2017 at 00:05


  • 1 × Particle.IO Photon Particle.IO Photon
  • 2 × 10 uF Capacitor 10 uF Capacitor
  • 1 × 7805 Voltage Regulator
  • 1 × Perf Board
  • 1 × Wire Resistors (Fixed) / Zero Ohm Jumpers

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    The first step is to take the cover off the Keurig . This is probably the most involved step. Instead of re-inventing the wheel. I'm just going to reference a YouTube video that does a good job.

  • 2
    Step 2

    After your Keurig is apart. You need to tap into a power source and ground for your Particle.IO Photon. There is a cable that connects the lower control board to the upper display and buttons (power, large, medium, small, menu). Pin 1 of that cable is Red, or at least on my unit, and Pin 16 is is on the other end of the connector. The diagram below should make it more clear. Here is ap picture of the connector.

  • 3
    Step 3

    I used a breadboard to prototype this, then later moved it to perfboard to make it more permanent.

View all 27 instructions

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Martin wrote 01/03/2017 at 08:29 point

You need a function to return the empty cup to the machine automatically or remote controlled. If I have to do this manually, I can press the button also.

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