It is interesting that no one have ever tried to add multi-user support into ESP8266. So I make it possible! Though, this can mostly be done because of the external SD card that uses as the main storage for the WebSticks. Based on the previous implemented key-value database emulation module (which is file system under the hood), it is now possible to create user accounts to share files and documents on your websticks with other users.
I also added the Wake-On-LAN feature so if you have a server at home which support WoL magic packet power up, running a WebStick 24/7 might save you some power as well.
It sound a bit crazy, but I just realized that without changing anything on the backend (ESP8266 code), I could in fact write a blog engine for the WebStick.
Though, it is a really basic one with minimal blog features, but it is working!!!
With the latest sd_card content, you can now write your own blog on your WebStick. To add a post, click the New Post button And you will be redirected to the markdown editor, where you can now write your blog post on your WebStick After you have finished writing, save it and back to the blog engine. Click the Force Update Posts Index or just refresh the page and you will see your post online! And of course, if you are not logged in as admin, you won't be able to change the post contents. Anyway, now you can host your blog on an ESP8266!