The Money Bomb 0419.pdf

This is the most current copy of the "documentation" for the project "The Money Bomb, written in a style similar to what you might find in a "peer reviewed journal"

Adobe Portable Document Format - 156.34 kB - 09/12/2023 at 20:31



ndex file for "Alice in Wonderland", with word counts, sorted in order of frequency of appearance, followed by alphabetical order. Generated from the Guttenberg Archive version by the "Algernon" chat engine during "training"

idx - 62.27 kB - 09/12/2023 at 20:27



ndex file for "Treasure Island", with word counts, sorted in order of frequency of appearance, followed by alphabetical order. Generated from the Guttenberg Archive version by the "Algernon" chat engine during "training"

idx - 120.06 kB - 09/12/2023 at 20:26



Notes from a previous project on converting the UCSD Pascal Compiler to C++ while Creating a New type of Compiler for AI – Neural Applications by giving them Digital DNA

Adobe Portable Document Format - 225.17 kB - 09/12/2023 at 20:25


Modelling Neuronal Spike Codes.pdf

Project Description, Details, and Log Files for the project "Modelling Neuronal Spike Codes" as of June 10, 2023 at 4:34 AM, and in PDF form.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.08 MB - 09/12/2023 at 20:22



Full text of the novel "Treasure Island" PUBLIC DOMAIN version obtained from the Guttenberg Archive.

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Full text of the novel "Alice's Adentures in Wonderland" PUBLIC DOMAIN version obtained from the Guttenberg Archive.

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