
Defibrillating a DEC Rainbow 100B

Using the Adafruit SI5351A clock generator to bring a DEC Rainbow 100B back to life

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Presenting Problem: A DEC Rainbow 100B presented all seven diagnostic lights at boot.


1. 8088 and Z80 - verified good
2. ROMs - dumped and verified good
3. Capacitors - recapped

It finally occurred to me to check the clock signal on the 8088. Nothing. The clock signal on the Z80? Nothing. The clock signal on the video timing chip? Nothing.

The DEC Rainbow 100B uses a 24.07342 MHz oscillator for the entire system. Its output pin was dead as a doornail.


1. I used an Arduino and the Adafruit SI5351A clock generator chip to generate the right frequency (25 * (28 + (11101/12500))/30).
2. To simplify this, I soldered the SMA connector to the board and hooked up my oscilloscope probe with a BNC coupler.
3. I hooked onto the clock's pin on the bottom side of the main board.
4. Booted up the Rainbow and... viola! No Massive Hardware Failure!

The Rainbow is now fully restored and operational, and I sourced replacement oscillators.

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Dan Maloney wrote 09/11/2023 at 22:20 point

Hey, great fix! Those Si5351's are so versatile. Glad you were able to get this Rainbow back up and running. This machine is dear to my heart -- first job in computers was as a computer lab tutor, and we had dozens of these machines, all of which would be obsolete within a year or so thanks to IBM.

Wrote this up for the blog, should publish soon. Thanks for the tip!

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Dr. Joshua Reichard wrote 09/11/2023 at 22:35 point

Super! Thanks Dan. They are special. I have four other Rainbow mainboards to get to when I have some time. Glad I have this hack up my sleeve!

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