
Indiana Jones Escape Game

escape game in a wooden box

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Indiana Jones Escape Game is a fun and interactive game, presented as a box. The players' goal is to close the door of the box.

They will do so by solving mysteries and enigmas.

On this page we will be explaining how we made our game and what research we did.


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  • 1 × Elegoo UNO R3 - arduino card
  • 1 × Electromagnetic magnet
  • 1 × wooden box
  • 1 × cables (male male and female male) , LED, breadboard, resistor
  • 1 × Keypad 4x4

  • Final

    babylone.riso01/12/2024 at 15:24 0 comments

    On the last day, even though we had some problems with arduino, our project worked!

  • Arduino

    babylone.riso01/12/2024 at 11:04 0 comments

    The door will close once a code is put on the keyborad. To do this we needed to code in arduino which we are all quite bad at so we started from the beginning with LEDs. We did loose quite a lot of time on this.

  • The door

    babylone.riso01/12/2024 at 11:01 0 comments

    The door is an important part of our project as the whole point of our project is to close it. To close it we put a system with an electromagnetic magnet.

    We had a few problems:

  • the box

    babylone.riso01/12/2024 at 10:58 0 comments

    I found the perfect box at home and enjoyed painting it. I had to do a bit of research for the decoration

  • Prototyping

    babylone.riso01/12/2024 at 10:56 0 comments

    We then made a few prototypes with cardboard to visualise our ideas

  • Research

    babylone.riso01/12/2024 at 10:54 0 comments

    We directly knew we wanted to an escape game box so we started off by doing research about themes and enigmas to we could use.

    We also started making notes of enigmas as the most complicated thing was to have fun, not too complicated enigmas that allow the players to have a good time. Here ar our notes:

View all 6 project logs

  • 1
    Find a theme for your escape box
  • 2
    Do some research and be creative to create the enigmas and mysteries that will have to be solved to end up with a code
  • 3
    use the arduino that will allow the players to close the door with a code they will put on the keypad

View all 5 instructions

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