
Creepsy: Scary Autonomous Human Following Robot

Creepsy, with sensors and spooky sounds, navigates obstacles, identifies guests, and moves towards to scare them at spooktacular gatherings.

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Creepsy makes it easy to scare people at a spooktacular gathering. Designed with ultrasonic sensors and cameras, Creepsy is equipped to detect the presence of obstacles and people in its surrounding area. While avoiding the obstacles with the ultrasonic sensor distance measurements, it identifies the living souls using an ML model and object detection, gliding towards them with spectral ease. As it plays eerie sounds, you can scare away or stay put and face your faith.


To build your own autonomous robot, you need the following software:

universalBracket V3.SLDPRT

Ultrasonic holder CAD design

sldprt - 379.30 kB - 10/31/2023 at 21:53



Ultrasonic holder CAD design

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 148.32 kB - 10/31/2023 at 21:53



Spooky sound the code uses as the robot looks for a person or follows a person

MPEG Video - 3.66 MB - 10/31/2023 at 19:53



Spooky sound the code uses as the robot looks for a person or follows a person

MPEG Video - 64.58 kB - 10/31/2023 at 19:53



Spooky sound the code uses as the robot looks for a person or follows a person

MPEG Video - 131.43 kB - 10/31/2023 at 19:53


  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi, with microSD card, set up following the Raspberry Pi Setup Guide.
  • 1 × MicroSD card
  • 1 × Scuttle rover Assembled SCUTTLE rover with the motors and motor driver that comes with it.
  • 4 × T-slotted framing long 4 single 4 slot rails, 30 mm square, hollow, 3’ long. These are for the height of the robot.
  • 2 × T-slotted framing short 2 single 4 slot rail, 30 mm square, hollow, 12 inches long. These are to create a base inside the robot to securely hold the circular shape as well as to attach the speaker, camera and one ultrasonic sensor to the rails

View all 16 components

  • 1
    Wire your robot

    Follow the wiring diagram below to wire together your Raspberry Pi, buck converter, USB camera, motors, motor driver, ultrasonic sensors, and battery:

    The Creepsy robot uses an assembled SCUTTLE Rover base with some modifications: Creepsy does not use the camera that came with the SCUTTLE Rover because the cable is not long enough to allow the camera to be attached to the top of the robot. Additionally, Creepsy also does not use the encoders or the batteries that come with the kit. These changes are reflected in the wiring diagram.

    One thing that the diagram does not reflect is the speaker. Add the USB speaker to the USB port on the Raspberry Pi, on the port that's not being used by the camera. 

  • 2
    Configure your components

    In the Viam app, create a new robot and give it a name like Creepsy. Follow the instructions on the Setup tab to install viam-server on your Raspberry Pi and connect to your robot.

    Navigate to the Config tab of your robot’s page in the Viam app. Click on the Components subtab.

    1. Configure the board

      Add a board component to represent the Raspberry Pi:

      Click the Create component button in the lower-left corner of the page. Select type board and model pi. Enter local as the name, then click Create.

      You can name your board whatever you want as long as you refer to it by the same name in your code.

    2. Configure the motors

      Add your right motor:

      Click Create component in the lower-left corner of the page. Select type motor, then select model gpio. Enter rightMotor as the name, then click Create.

      After clicking Create, a panel will pop up with empty sections for Attributes, Component Pin Assignment, and other information.

      Alt text: rightMotor component panel with empty sections for Attributes, Component Pin Assignment, and other information.

      In the Board drop-down within attributes, choose the name of the board local to which the motor is wired. This will ensure that the board initializes before the motor when the robot boots up.

      Then set Max RPM to 100 and enable direction flip.

      In the Component Pin Assignment section, toggle the type to In1/In2. In the drop downs for A/In1 and B/In2, choose 15 GPIO 22 and 16 GPIO 23 corresponding to the right motor wiring. Leave PWM (pulse-width modulation) pin blank, because this specific motor driver’s configuration does not require a separate PWM pin.

      Motor component configured in the Viam app, the component tab is named rightMotor, with a type attribute motor and model attribute gpio. It has the attributes as of the board as local, encoder as non-encoded, max rpm as 1000, component pin assignment type as In1/In2, enable pins as neither, a/In1 as 15 GPIO 22, b/In2 as 16 GPIO 23, pwm as blank.

      Now let’s add the left motor which is similar to the right motor. Add your left motor with the name “leftMotor”, type motor, and model gpio. Select local from the Board drop-down, set Max RPM to 100, and configure the motors pins as A/In1 and B/In2 corresponding to12 GPIO 18 and 11 GPIO 17 respectively (according to the wiring diagram), and leave PWM blank.

    3. Configure the base

      Next, add a base component, which describes the geometry of your chassis and wheels so the software can calculate how to steer the rover in a coordinated way:

      Click Create component. Select base for type and wheeled for model. Name your base creepsy-base, then click Create.

      In the Right Motors drop-down, select rightMotor , and in the Left Motors drop-down select leftMotor. Enter 250 for Wheel Circumference (mm) and 400 for Width (mm). The width describes the distance between the midpoints of the wheels. Add localrightMotor, and leftMotor to the Depends on field.

      creepsy-base component panel filled with attributes right motors as rightMotor, left motors as leftMotor, wheel circumference as 250, and width as 400. It depends on local, rightMotor, and leftMotor.
    4. Configure the camera

      Add the camera component:

      Click Create component. Select type camera and model webcam. Name it cam and click Create.

      In the configuration panel, click the video path field. If your robot is connected to the Viam app, you will see a drop-down populated with available camera names.

      Select the camera you want to use. If you are unsure which camera to select, select one, save the configuration, and go to the Control tab to confirm you can see the expected video stream.

      cam component panel with type camera and model webcam, and the usb camera selected as the video path.

      Then make it depend on local so it initializes after the board component.

    5. Configure the ultrasonic sensors

      Add a sensor component:

      Click Create component. Select type sensor and model ultrasonic. Name your sensor ultrasonic, then click Create.

      Then fill in the attributes: enter 38 for echo_interrupt_pin and 40 for trigger_pin, according to the wiring diagram. Enter local for board.

      Ultrasonic component panel with Attributes trigger_pin as 40, echo_interrupt_pin as 38, and board as local.

      You have to configure the other ultrasonic sensor. For each of the additional ultrasonic sensors, create a new component with a unique name like ultrasonic2 (where “2” indicates it’s the second sensor), type sensor, and model ultrasonic. In the attributes textbox, fill in the trigger_pin and echo_interrupt_pin corresponding to the pins your ultrasonic sensors are connected to.

      While this tutorial and associated code demonstrate using 2 ultrasonic sensors, you can change the amount based on your preference.

  • 3
    Test your components

    With the components configured, navigate to the Control tab. On the control tab, you will see panels for each of your configured components.

    1. Motors

      Click on both motor panels and check that they run as expected by clicking RUN.

      Left and right motor panels in the Control tab.

    2. Base

      Click on the base panel and enable the keyboard. Then move your rover base around by pressing A, S, W, and D on your keyboard.

      You can also adjust the power level to your preference

      creepsy-base component in the Control tab, with Motor Control buttons to drive it around and change the power percentage.
    3. Camera

      To see your camera working, click on the camera panel and toggle the camera on.

      cam component panel in the Control tab, cam toggled on and the live stream showing a person.

    4. Ultrasonic Sensors

      Click on your sensors panel and test that you can get readings from all of them.

      Click Get Readings to get the distance reading of the sensor.

      Ultrasonic component panel in the Control tab, sensor distance reading is 12.0770.

View all 8 instructions

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