Quantity   Component name
1 × Arduino Nano Running the Tapuino code.
1 × Raspberry Pi Pico Used to control the stepper motor that drives the counter mechanism
1 × Step down voltage regulator You will have to tune the voltage down from the "motor pin" which outputs 6V to the Raspberry Pi Pico wich would like to receive 5V. I used this one: https://www.kjell.com/no/produkter/elektro-og-verktoy/elektronikk/utviklerkit/arduino/stromforsyning/luxorparts-variabel-spenningsregulator-switchet-p87049
1 × Stepper motor w/controller board A stepper motor (5V) with controller board that can be driven by the Raspberry Pi Pico. This motor will drive the counter mechanism . I used one of these: https://www.kjell.com/no/produkter/elektro-og-verktoy/elektronikk/utviklerkit/arduino/arduino-tilbehor/luxorparts-trinnmotor-med-girkasse-og-driver-4-pk.-p90775
1 × PCBs - C64 PlayOnTape Project by Tor-Eirik Bakke Lunde https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/C64_PlayOnTape_7281e4c0.html You only need the board holding the Nano but I also bought the cassette parts. Also see the following for additional parts needed to assemble the tapuino board: https://github.com/tebl/C64-PlayOnTape/tree/main/PlayOnTape%20Module