
Lazer tag

Laser device shooting at targets.

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Bonjour aujourd'hui nous allons vous présenter notre projet, le jeu que nous créons nommé Laser tag. Le jeu est basé sur Aim Lab. Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ce qu'est Aim Lab, Aim Lab est un jeu dans lequel vous avez des cibles qui apparaissent sur votre écran et votre objectif est de leur tirer dessus avec vos armes, et lorsque vous touchez les cibles, elles disparaissent et une autre apparaît . Le principe du lazer tag est le même vous avez cinq cases qui représentent les cibles avec une LED sur le dessus de chaque case, lorsque la LED est allumée, cela veut dire que c'est la cible que vous devez viser.

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-12 at 16.37.20.jpeg

JPEG Image - 450.19 kB - 12/12/2023 at 15:40


WhatsApp Image 2023-12-12 at 16.37.20 (1).jpeg

JPEG Image - 432.02 kB - 12/12/2023 at 15:39


  • 3 × wooden plank of the size of a A3 sheet
  • 2 × arduino uno
  • 7 × breadboard Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 50 × wires
  • 1 × button

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  • Project diary

    adrien fritsch01/09/2024 at 13:19 0 comments

    First lesson of the project : 

    Today Adrien and I think of a game, found one and split the work to each other.

    Second lesson of the project : 

    We found a name for the game : "Laser tag", Adrien serach and found on internet a gun that he could print with the 3D printer. I started to do the targets but i didn't know how to do so I asked the teacher who tell me step to follow.

    Third lesson of the project : 

    Adrien had problems with the modelisation of the gun in fusion 360. I finished to do the secondary targets.

    Fourth lesson  of the  project :

    Adrien finished to work on the gun model. I export the secondary targets on fusion 360 and started to do  the principal targets.

    Sixth lesson of the project :

    Adrien started to search  how to do the Arduiino's set-up for the gun and sarted it on a simulator. I finish the principal target and export it on fusion 360, I started to modified them and exportated them in inkscape.

    Seventh lesson of the project : 

    Adrien finished to look for the Arduino's set-up for the gun and started to the script for it. The modification that i had make weren't good so I had to modificate them a second time on fusion 360, after I re-export them on fusion 360.

    Eighth lesson of the project : 

    Adrien finish the script for the gun and start looking at the Arduino's set-up for the targets. We saw that we needed to modifiacate them again so i did it.

    Nineth lesson of the project :

    Adrien finished to look at the Arduino set-up for  the targets and start looking for the script for the targets. I finished to do the modification on fusion 360 and export it  on inkscape.

    Tenth lesson of the project :

    Adrien finished to do the script for the  targets and started to print the gun. During the week between the ninth and tenth lesson I started to cut the targets but a problems happened and the size wasn't the one we wanted the teacher said that during the exportation the size probably change so i had to restart and I'm gonna cut it during the holydays.

    Eleverth lesson of the project :

    We are a few hours before the presentation, Adrien had print the other side of the shift of the gun but he didn't had the time to print the gun I cut the targets with a laser cutters and I glue a part of each targets togethers. Adrien had did the Arduino's set-up on the gun and he is doing it for targets, I drilled an hole in one side of each targets and Adrien is gonna glue led to it to know wich targets we have to aim. And I'm doing all the things we have to do on hackaday.

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  • 1
    How to build the targets.

    Polygon boxes with 3 or more sides.

    - Create a first boxes with five sides, a inside diameter of 8 cm with notch assembly.

    - Export it on fusion 360 in a DXF format.

    - Start a new sketch.

    - Use the tool circle to do two circles (one circle on each pentagon), one circle with a diameter of 2 cm and another one of 4 cm.

    - Check the size of sides to be sure that size didn't change during the exportation.

    - Save it on your computer in a DXF format and next export it.

    - Import it on inksape and check the size one more time to be sure.

    - if the size are good use laser cutter to cut it four times in wooden plank of 3 or 4 mm thick.

    - Go again on makercase create another box with five side but with an inside diameter of 10 cm and do the same operation that youb did before but cut it once.

    - Once you cut all your shape with the laser cutter glue three sides with the two pentagon.

    - Pierce one of the sides you didn't glue on each targets.

    - Glue a led in each hole.

    - Do the Arduino's set-up and then place the the two other side on the top to close the targets

  • 2
    How to build the gun.

    - Search on internet a 3D gun model.

    - Once you found it on a website import it on fusion 360.

    -Separate it a first time to have two parts one is the left side of the gun and one is the right side of the gun.

    - Separate the barrel to the shift of the gun.

    - Dig in every parts to juste have structure.

    - Export it on Cura.

    - Use 3D printer to print it.

    - Do the Arduino's set-up.

    - Put together each part of the gun and screw the structure together.

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