Quantity   Component name
1 × NEMA 17 stepper motor model 17HS3404-Z
1 × A4988 stepper driver module
1 × TCS34725 colour sensor module
1 × Arduino Nano or compatible clone
1 × small dc motor (e.g. 12V 12000 rpm) for vibe feeder
1 × Dual-channel motor driver module L298N-based or similar
1 × dc motor/200rpm gearbox combination for drum feeder
1 × large circular food container with snap-on lid
1 × GT2 6mm belt, 550 tooth (1100mm)
1 × GT2 6mm 20-tooth pulley (4mm bore)
1 × approx. 4m of 2020 aluminium extrusion
1 × assorted M4 and M5 fittings for the 2020
6 × 24mm diameter 'vee-slot' wheels/bearings
1 × LM393-based light sensor