Session 9 - 03/06/2024
06/03/2024 at 10:20 • 0 commentsThis is our last session and we are proud of what we did. For this session we finished the assembling and found out that there was just a little resistance in our axes but for strong people there is no issue. We print the shark and the surfer but had some issue with the surfer. In the end the project is fonctionnal.
Session 8 - 21/05/2024
05/21/2024 at 10:24 • 0 commentsfor todays session we were lacking time because we are reaching the end of the project and we need to 3D print our shark and the surfer but it's taking way more time that we thought. So we had to wait for them to finish and we made some test on the afternoon to know what could be the best placement on our waves to get the better render.
Session 7 - 07/05/2024
05/07/2024 at 10:58 • 0 commentsWe finish the sanding of each pieces so that they rotate freely. We also paint all the wave in blue like a real wave. Now we need to modelise a box with holes for our axes and support of the waves. so we made the dimension and went to laser cut it but the engine was broken. So this is the end of our journey.
Session 6 - 30/04/24
04/30/2024 at 10:55 • 0 commentsThanks to the previous session, we found the right measures so we lazercutted all the pieces that we needed and more wood waves.
Our project is almost functional (it's working with two waves and us holding the project)
While lazercutting we thought about the box that will hold the project and how to make the surfer and the shark (with movements)
Session 5 - 25/04/24
04/30/2024 at 10:22 • 0 commentsThere were no class plan this week so we decided to meet to continue the project.
So at first we 3d printed the stick because the only ones we found were to heavy
We also used the lazercut machine for our little circle, we tried different size to make shure it fits in the wood waves AND the 3d printed sticks. -
Session 4 - 09/04/24
04/09/2024 at 14:48 • 0 commentsSo we wanted to try our project so at first we tried with paper board but it was impossible and way to shitty for a "shitty prototype". We decided to focus on a better prototype with less waves for the test.
For the waves design, we were worried about the solidity of the wood but after a pretty laser-cutted piece, we saw that it was perfect (solid but still light enough).
BUT we faced a new problem, actually the cricle supposed to fit into the wave's hole was too small, despite having increased it the first time.Last but not least, the main axe. So we planned to make it in a round shape and on the 3d printer. But we thought that a square shape could be more optimal for a "shitty prototype". There is no axe in the lab, regardless of the material so we have to modelise it.
session 3 - 26/03/24
03/26/2024 at 11:16 • 0 commentsSTART OF THE PROTOTYPE
We redesign the sketch of last time because they were not accurate. After the redesign we start to 3D print et use the laser to get our piece. After the first 3D prints we saw that our design needed to be remeasured for a better accuracy more precisely for our waves
Session 2 - 19/03/24
03/26/2024 at 09:19 • 0 commentsWe start to modelise the wave on fusion to make some test before printing the whole project because we are not sure that the friction of the material will permit us to do what we want ro make. So we determine some basic measurement for the wave and the necessary piece of our project.
Session 1 - 12/03/24
03/26/2024 at 09:08 • 0 commentsDuring our first session we were brainstorming about the project that we wanted to do. We were hesitating between making a kinetic sculture or a steering wheel. In the end we choose the kinetic sculture and we start making shitty prototype but there was no result.