The main idea has the following components :
-14 Inch streched touch screen 3840X1100 (11.8 x 35cm)
- low profile TKL keyboard 29€
- two 20x40x350mm aluminium extrusion v-slot rail
- 1 or 2 removable nunchuk as pointing device
- some custom 3D printed parts (main body, nunchuck holders, screen hinge, VK head)
- SBC (typically Raspberry PI)
- power management (Ampripper)
- custom 2x5 18650 battery pack (
I received my v-slot rails. Took them bigger than needed in purpose (I know how it goes) ;o)

As they are in aluminium, they will also be good at heat dissipation.
The final length will depend of the custom rail of the 5 batteries pile.
Good idea, and a very neat display! BTW, you can drop everything after the first ? in those links -- the rest is just tracking crap.