

A portable cyberdeck with a Blade Runner look.

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I am interested in an arm project. Not the arm processor, but a cyberdeck that will rest on my forearm.
It is composed of a 60% keyboard and a stretched touch screen witch is about the same size.
The handle would be a Wii nunchuck. It can be for right or left handed, even with two handles. It can be use to FPV drone control.
I will design an arm in the spirit of the Voight-Kampf device with a webcam to complete the look.

The main idea has the following components : 

-14 Inch streched touch screen 3840X1100 (11.8 x 35cm) 


- low profile TKL keyboard 29€

- two 20x40x350mm aluminium extrusion v-slot rail

- 1 or 2 removable nunchuk as pointing device

- some custom 3D printed parts (main body, nunchuck holders, screen hinge, VK head)

- SBC (typically Raspberry PI)

- power management (Ampripper)

- custom 2x5 18650 battery pack (

I received my v-slot rails. Took them bigger than needed in purpose (I know how it goes) ;o)

As they are in aluminium, they will also be good at heat dissipation.

The final length will depend of the custom rail of the 5 batteries pile.

  • Base

    IT-Wizard09/09/2024 at 07:24 0 comments

    Test print of the base. It is split to ease the print process. 

    They are bolt together with M3 screws.

  • Power source

    IT-Wizard04/11/2024 at 10:55 0 comments

    Just got my 18650 stakable batteries holders. I first went with to a 2x5  batteries power source, but it seems too long (39.5cm), so I will go with 2x4.

    The batteries need to be in parallel and not in serial disposition.

    I glued the terminal ends.

  • From virtual to reallity.

    IT-Wizard04/07/2024 at 14:54 0 comments

    Screen hinge test print. Looks promising.

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Rich text editor

Richard Milward wrote 03/24/2024 at 11:49 point

Good idea, and a very neat display! BTW, you can drop everything after the first ? in those links -- the rest is just tracking crap.

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IT-Wizard wrote 03/24/2024 at 13:26 point

Thanks, and thanks. Much better indeed, I was too quick on this one.

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RunnerPack wrote 03/26/2024 at 15:02 point

FYI, the text has changed, but the links still have the tracking stuff (when I hover over them and look at the status bar).

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