7th week
06/04/2024 at 08:30 • 0 commentsWe've first started to assemble all wood pieces together for the arm. Then we had to assembly the syringes, it was difficult because space was limited and because syringes didn't stay in place. We managed to assembly the arm. We've then assembly the pinch and add it to our project. However the pinch is heavy and so is adding too much weight on the arm and so the pressure in the syringe is not enough. Unfortunately the arm can't stay up for long because of that. We should have made the arm pieces longer so we could have a counterweight. We also had an issue with the syringes because syringes were leaking a bit so air could fit inside and messing up our synergies position.
Test week
06/04/2024 at 08:11 • 0 commentsFinally after assembling the arm we needed to make it hydro so we filled the seringues and tubes with water. After having a problem with air in the tubes we succeed in making it work as we wanted.
We took a wood board to fix the 4 actions seringues to help practicability.
The pinch was ready and it was time for the presentation.
5th week
06/04/2024 at 08:03 • 0 commentsNow that we had the dimensions for each piece we needed to laser cut them. So we did the work with Fusion 360 and then on Inskape to obtain the necessary pieces. We did them in wood with a 3mm thickness. We got our components together and time was up for this time. For The wood parts, we had to cut 16 pieces of wood. 2 of 20cm*20cm, two of 8.5cm*8.5cm with a 0.5 hole in the middle. two of 13.5cm*13.5cm, two of 20cm*4cm two pf 26cm*4cm. And the diamond with it's claws.
Here after an exemple of the claw on Inkscape :
4th week
06/04/2024 at 07:49 • 0 commentssearch for components, we wanted to calculate the size and volume for our seringues. we found our tubes and implemented our sketchs and found the right dimensions.
finally we ended up choosing 10ml seringues, perfect for the delta angles we wanted.
3rd week
04/09/2024 at 10:42 • 0 comments3rd week:
creation of the hand of the arm, research of a new set of seringues, test of new seringues.
03/26/2024 at 11:25 • 0 commentsWe've started the prototype the arm, we search for syringe and cable dimensions. We also have done the bare bones for the laser cutting of our final pieces.
2nd week
03/26/2024 at 10:18 • 0 comments2nd week :
- Inspiration research on youtube, finding similar project on hackaday.
- Research about the materials needed and cutting cardboard pieces for the prototype.
2nd week
03/26/2024 at 10:04 • 0 comments2nd week :
- Inspiration research on youtube and hackaday
- Research on the project, identification of our need. Cut of the necessary cardboard pieces for the prototype creation.