So I have a LED TV/CD/DVD Player that I picked up at a yard sale and it has a USB/SDcard port on the CD/DVD Player that appears to be disabled. I've tried to use them several times and have gotten no response. I was able to pull up a menu, however - either the DVD or Service menu but I cannot navigate the options because I do not have the remote. So would someone help me please? Do I need to enable the USB/SDcard ports? Or flash new software into it? And is there a I could connect my phone to the DVD Interface Board and navigate the options in the menu I pulled up? (See picture) Or is there a way to prompt the MTK chip MT1389DE that's on the DVD Interface Board to recognize/read a USB flashdrive/SDcard?
Aso, what's the small component in the last picture which attaches to the DVD Interface Board and how is it programmed?