
Enable USB/SDcard Function On DVD Interface Board

I want to enable the USB/SDcard function on a LED LCD TV/CD/DVD Player

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So I have a LED TV/CD/DVD Player that I picked up at a yard sale and it has a USB/SDcard port on the CD/DVD Player that appears to be disabled. I've tried to use them several times and have gotten no response. I was able to pull up a menu, however - either the DVD or Service menu but I cannot navigate the options because I do not have the remote. So would someone help me please? Do I need to enable the USB/SDcard ports? Or flash new software into it? And is there a I could connect my phone to the DVD Interface Board and navigate the options in the menu I pulled up? (See picture) Or is there a way to prompt the MTK chip MT1389DE that's on the DVD Interface Board to recognize/read a USB flashdrive/SDcard?

Aso, what's the small component in the last picture which attaches to the DVD Interface Board and how is it programmed?

Thank you for your time.


The DVD Interface Board is model KTT_D4_1389_V2.2

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