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SLM laser
JDSU µgreen 532nm 10mW
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Nikon CFi VC 20x 0.75NA
most 20x-40x fluor objectives will do.
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raman edge filter
540AELP Ø=25.4mm
1 |
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long pass dichroic mirror
540DRLP 18x26mm
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SM1L20, SM1L10 and SM1L03 lens tubes
plus a few extra SM1RR retaining rings
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25.4mm planoconvex lens
Thorlabs LA1951-A or similar
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SM1SMA fiber optic adapter
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linear CCD module
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Galaxy GX388 cases
from modushop
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Neutrik SpeakOn NL4MD + NL4FC
I use these for lov voltage power
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Neutrik NAUSB
panel mount USB-adapter
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1200 lp/mm holographic grating 25x25mm
Thorlabs GH25-12V, Edmund Opt. #43-216 or similar
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Optic fiber 50µm 0,22NA
FG050LGA - Custom Patch cable with FT061PS tubing
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6" off-axis parabolic mirror
Ø1" 90° Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror, Protected Silver Coating
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1" Protected Silver Elliptical Mirror
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thermoelectric element
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±6V 10VA toroidal transformer
+misc stuff for the CCD PSU
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±6V 24VA toroidal transformer
+ misc stuff for the TEC PSU
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stuff I forgot to mention. look at the build logs