About the Application
- Keen.IO is a cloud platform that provides data collection and analysis services via the REST API. Keen offers SDKs for many programming languages, including browser-side JavaScript and Node.js.
- In this tutorial we used Tibbit #30 (ambient humidity and temperature meter) for collecting environmental data and storing it on the Keen.IO server.
- A very simple in-browser application is used for fetching data from Keen.IO and displaying charts in the browser window (the charts below have been received from Keen.IO, they are not static).
- Data collection and representation are separated into device.js and server.js applications.
Beautiful charts, straight from Keen.IO
Proposed Tibbit configuration
Onboard Software
- Node.js V6.x.x (pre-installed during production)
External Services
- Keen.IO (you should create an account)
GitHub Repository
Name: keenio-tutorial
Repository page: https://github.com/tibbotech/keenio-tutorial
Clone URL: https://github.com/tibbotech/keenio-tutorial.git
Updated At: Fri Oct 14 2016
Read more at: http://tibbo.com/linux/nodejs/tracking-environmental-data.html