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x86 laptop, 1.0 GHz or faster, 1G or more RAM, no HD needed (you should be able to find one for free that is being discarded)
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Pi Zero
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micro-SD card, at least 16G
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micro to USB cable (must not be OTG or charging only cable)
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8G or larger USB flash drive (you only really need this for setup, but it's nice to have it on hand for rescue purposes)
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USB attached micro SD card reader (like above you only really need this for setup)
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soldering iron and solder
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wire stripping tools (or do what I do and use the soldering iron to melt the insulation)
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pliers (to cut cable and break off USB shell)
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double sided tape or Velcro (to mount Zero)
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hot glue gun and glue
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knife or Dremel to trim plastic laptop frame
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tools needed to take your laptop apart
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multimeter (for connection testing)