Tiny breakout board for DRV8311 IC from Texas Instruments. Supports 3xPWM mode and has inline current sensing.
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Hello @tcschindler ,
I just saw this comment, sorry! Here is the project repository: https://github.com/alperbasarn/simplefoc-pro-micro
Hope it helps!
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I´m currently planning on implementing the DRV8311 in a project. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your schematic/project.
I am more than willing to give full credit to your contribution and adhere to any guidelines you may have regarding the use of your design.
Best regards,
Staf Verhaegen
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Hello @tcschindler ,
I just saw this comment, sorry! Here is the project repository: https://github.com/alperbasarn/simplefoc-pro-micro
Hope it helps!