
UxV ground station

creative name pending

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Another Pi4 based cyberdeck, this time with analog sticks.

Current aim is to make:

- Something with familiar, yet homebrew design (it's mostly about the case).

- A go-anywhere, do-anything SBC based system with Linux.

- Integrated solution for UAV control of different kinds (analog sticks, extra monitor, transmitter, receiver etc.)

- Not something entirely modular (it's hard) but would be nice to be able to swap parts for different tasks.

- Something autonomous.

- A proper excuse to dive deep into device design.

And it happens to take form a raspberry pi cyberdeck with analog sticks and dual monitor setup.

Tune in!

  • Stitch

    mkdxdxa day ago 0 comments

    It's a bit disappointing when it took a lot of time to do things but these things sort of can't be shown clearly because they are not visually significant and quite messy.

    More after the break.
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  • Sophisticate

    mkdxdx12/24/2024 at 02:34 0 comments

    Some eRr Gee Bee action to make things fresh. Everything else below the break.

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  • Sketch

    mkdxdx11/29/2024 at 19:59 0 comments

    After couple of days in EasyEDA, I've got this which is now in production.

    Parts are hopefully to arrive roughly when boards do and so assembly waits for a later day, probably next year because non-building stuff does get in the way and I'm not even sure what the blackout situation will look like in a week - lights are already off twice or thrice during the day for several hours after missile attacks on our energy infrastructure.

    Schematic mostly repeats part of Radiomaster TX16 reverse effort, check them out, plenty of info, and now after boards are on the way I kind of think I'm sleepwalking into a disaster - there is a high chance that tristate switches are not actual two switches but rather a voltage divider sampled by ADC, whereas my implementation uses a ton of switches hooked up to IO expander in a matrix fashion.

    We'll see I guess.

  • Strain

    mkdxdx11/18/2024 at 23:10 0 comments

    Some changes are cosmetic, but down under most of them - a couple of sleepless days plus some refactoring.

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  • Sever

    mkdxdx10/30/2024 at 00:01 0 comments

    If that looks like a mess - that's because it is and it's that way because it's in the middle of a panel/frame swap (and new panel is right in the center of the frame).

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  • Slow

    mkdxdx10/17/2024 at 21:25 0 comments

    I've got this nagging feeling after that last update - buttons are boring! So I'm gonna have them and something else too!
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  • Shuffle

    mkdxdx10/09/2024 at 09:44 0 comments

    Sort of a keep-alive log about trying to figure out how to build on top of what's already present.

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  • Stucture

    mkdxdx09/25/2024 at 23:24 0 comments

    ^ This is how current iteration of the deck looks if I was to make build instruction.
    Do those white pieces in the left bottom belong anywhere on the build? The answer is below.

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  • Shift

    mkdxdx09/21/2024 at 11:51 0 comments

    ELRS TX and throttle stick positions has been switched. Probably needs more adjustments for comfortable throttling action, maybe some cushioning around and symmetry is now officially ruined but i guess that's how it's gonna be from now on.

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  • Scale

    mkdxdx09/10/2024 at 20:38 0 comments

    There are people who tried to reload things like if they are scifi weapons (Kommander Karl style) and those who aren't entirely honest about it.

    A lot of things happened since the last log - some progress and a detour in the middle.

    So I was gaining some momentum in this project and then Cyberdeck Cafe has bitten me with this idea to share with people how I go about designing things in FreeCAD - throwing me out of the saddle for two weeks. 

    It has ended so bad, I came up with an actual haphazard writeup of how to model your own portable terminal in FreeCAD from concept, to a production-ready handheld, including my own, 14th in a row explanation of what it the most problematic thing in FreeCAD and how to trick around it.

    If you ever wanted to either push through a wall of semitechnical text or just curious how to make things in this software, here is an attention attracting picture of the result: link to tutorial:

    Other updates: rail-mounted battery pack, VRX mount, primary circuit breaker, new monitor and ELRS micro TX caddy - as usual, below the break.

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View all 16 project logs

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Burnt wrote 11/19/2024 at 04:32 point

Dude this is so fucking cool!  Love what you've done, and will follow closely

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