QDESP is a simple esp32 robotics project using Carl Bugeja's DriveCells (dcs) and bluepad32 by ricardoquesada.
This project uses an ESP32 and the Bluepad32 library to control a simple robot with an Xbox controller. The project also features dynamic NeoPixel effects that change based on controller inputs.
The core of the robot is any one of the many D1 mini esp32 clones out there. You can check the components list for the BOM, I will have included links to most of the relevant parts, and Amazon will have most of what you need. The schematic is pretty simple. For power you wire the tp4056 to your lipo cells, then you wire your switch and your esp32 to the main power out of the tp4056. For the motors, you solder them to the two center outputs on the dcs, and then solder the dcs up to power from the charge controller, and two pwm pins on the esp32 per motor.
Hopefully its not done yet, and I will keep adding more to it!
Hi Carl. Thx for taking the time to respond to me!