
PCB &Acrylic Fit Testing

A project log for Swirl Dice

A Moving Magnet based Dice Roller

andrew-woodbridgeAndrew Woodbridge 07/18/2024 at 17:170 Comments

I did the first test of the laser cut panels, I'm happy with the bottom and  middle panels, the top panel doesn't quite line up with the display. That's an easy fix. The bigger issue is the encoder. I was planning on using Adafruit Rotary Encoder Breakout (to save on GPIO pins), but it just doesn't fit well. with the circuit board below the main circuit board. It interferes with the feather. I will be soldering an EC11 directly to the circuit board. So I will need another iteration of the circuit board, now v3

I also have a much better feel for the vertical space requirements of the feather. I will need to add some more space for the battery and the tall components of the feather. This will be a fourth layer of acrylic and a third layer 3D printed part (which will hopefully be wood in the final version).
