
Demo # 2 Ship Mode and Deep Sleep Current

A project log for ESP32-S3 PowerFeather

Low-power, Feather-format ESP32 dev board for LiPo/Li-Ion and solar powered IoT projects

powerfeatherdevpowerfeatherdev 07/14/2024 at 12:560 Comments

A Nordic Power Profiler Kit II acts as the battery that powers the board while measuring its power consumption.

Nordic Power Profiler Kit II acting as battery

The ESP32-S3 module can be put into deep sleep to save power using the Power States -> Deep Sleep button on the dashboard. Typically, current consumed for the entire board when the ESP32-S3 is in deep sleep is less than 20 uA:

Deep sleep current consumption

Ship mode is a power state where the battery is electronically disconnected, even if it is physically connected. As a result, current consumption in this power state is very low, under 2 uA typically. It can be entered into using the Power State -> Ship Mode button on the dashboard.

Ship mode current consumption
