
pedalumi - the illuminated guitar pedalboard

Turns sound into light using raspberry pi and LEDs.

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Pedalumi is the combination of a pedal board and a light organ. It can turn sound into light with the help of raspberry pi and LPD8806 strips. The pitch of the note determines the color's hue and the loudness the color's brightness. Just see here how it looks:
I managed to dissipate the light from the LED pixels by building acrylic glass panels. They consist of rods, which are roughened up in the middle the emit the light where I want it to be emitted. These rods are covered by satiniced acrylic plates to further dissipate the light.

Programming was done using Python and the Aubio library for pitch detection and other libraries for the LPD8806 stripes and the LCD display. Sound input comes from a Behringer UCG102 USB audio interface.
  • 1 × raspberry pi model b
  • 1 × Behringer UCG 102 USB audio interface
  • 1 × LPD8806 LED strip
  • 1 × Adafruit 16×2 character display with keys

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