
Servo Motor Board

A project log for Renovation of the E004 audio tape recorder

A low-cost, high-quality tape recorder with a cross-board architecture.

h2wh2w 09/10/2024 at 11:030 Comments

The final solution of the servo motor control board is based on the following solutions.

  1. Minimum number of pins on the connector from the control board. In which besides `GND` and +24V, there is a movement direction signal `CW` or `CCW`. And an end-of-motion signal `END`. The END signal should allow the control system to register error situations -- for self-diagnosis.
  2. The control board must control the 24V voltage to quietly turn on the system.
  3. The board must not contain a micro-controller.

Despite the simplicity of the board, I performed a PI/SI simulation to evaluate the result.
