This started life as my crazy idea for a replica Tron disc display build and it somehow devloped into an international collaboration between a few like minded individuals who were willing to put their time in to make it happen between us.
Unfortunately for the project, the electronics branch left due to new work opportunities. We carried on with as many of the unfinished disc files as we could, and amazingly even had some serious input from the creator of the Tron Legacy discs, Douglas Curren but we realised it wasn't going to happen without the electronics, so it was shelved.
All those files are now waiting for my EE to catch up....
There really sexy mini sds / ssd''s in there, and you could store different themed information. A which make your identity: one disc is music, one is books, one is backup files, etc.
I'm kind of in an annoying place in EE right now as I know enough to visualise what is needed, but not enough to design for it, so the project would need to find someone with circuit/PCB design skills, and someone who can code.
I have a lot going on which I need to finish up first in order to get to a position where I can tackle the project again, but it'll give me time to go over the PCB design idea for the Legacy disc series again and work out a few missing details.
Thanks for the support, I'm hoping to have them back on my project bench by next year. I'm enjoying learning electronics engineering but it's taking me a little longer due to being Dysnumeric.
There really sexy mini sds / ssd''s in there, and you could store different themed information. A which make your identity: one disc is music, one is books, one is backup files, etc.
Just like on Tron the discs store their identity.