I had ordered my boards last week and soldered them. Just In time for a 32 degree heatwave.
I was also a fool and forgot to order the resistors. So i ended up approximating 12V by using a 13K R1 and two 220k stacked ontop of eachother for R2 to get a close enough result (11.8V). Going to have to recalculate it anyway for like 12.1V. You'd be surprised how much those few hundred millivolt matter for these fans.
Right now the Controller is blank and i used the Jumper to skip the load switch. The board is essentially just the boost converter atm. Without a PWM signal any fan should just go full-speed.
Multimeter shows a correct 11.8V so i connected a fan for testing along with an Picoscope. The fan is a standard 120mm Noctua Redux 1700 fan which should do well as indicator for an "Average" fan
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