
Realsense ROS2 car robot powered by UP7000 Board

Create a Visual SLAM ROS2 wheeled robot using Realsense camera seasoned with Intel Robotics SDK

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Before we start, I am open to collaborating with hardware manufacturers to promote your products by creating engaging tutorials for multiple online platforms. Please feel free to email me at

Tutorial covers Robotics SDK software usage running on an open-source robotic platform called Mikrik. Robotics SDK is aimed to boost development of the AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) in logistics, last-mile delivery and industrial automatisation service fields. I say Robotics SDK product is a boost or nitro-gas for the default ROS2 system.

Robotics SDK equips AMR robots with essential autonomy skills for precise localization and navigation, complemented by an advanced set of ITS Path Planned Navigation Plugins. It works using Intel-proprietary algorithms and products like ADBSCAN, CollabSLAM.

It is series of my tutorials describing how to improve your robots using Intel Robotics SDK and Realsense camera.


Robotics SDK allows to select the Intel-designed modules along with third-party component. It is compatible with a wide range of x86 hardware, LiDAR sensors, 3D cameras.

You might be even interested to run Robotics SDK on the real robot, I think my Mikrik open-source robot project could be a potential solution. It is a cheap, and easy to reproduce robot.

Mikrik Robot Source Project

I took my original Hackster tutorial called Mikrik, and replaced the original x86 board with UP7000 board based on N100 CPU

Setup is 100% similar to the Hackster tutorial, but the software part of the robot is integrated more deeply into a Robotics SDK.

I've built new Mikrik robot version powered by a UP7000 single-board computer (SBC).

  • 1
    Build Your Own Version Of The Mikrik Robot

    First, follow the Tutorial to build and software setup a robot MIKRIK here. Make sure that you can launch ROS1 nodes on Raspberry, successfully launch bridge, and ping Raspberry and x86 robot host board with each other. After that you can continue with steps above.

    Here are demonstrated the detailed steps on how to deploy Visual SLAM for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping using Realsense camera technology and Intel Robotics SDK software.

    There are three modes:

    1. Mapping
    2. Localization
    3. Localization with navigation
  • 2
    Change Default Realsense Namespace

    Remove unnecessary namespace 'camera'. Open with sudo file:

    sudo vi /opt/ros/humble/share/realsense2_camera/launch/

    Delete default value 'camera' of the camera_namespace. Line below change from:

    {'name': 'camera_namespace',  'default': 'camera', 'description': 'namespace for camera'}


    {'name': 'camera_namespace',  'default': '', 'description': 'namespace for camera'
  • 3
    Mapping Mode using Robotics SDK

    Mapping mode will make possible to scan space around the robot and create a map.

    To have a high-quality map, drive robot very slowly.

View all 13 instructions

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