
Talking Milk Jug Toy

Milk jug for my toddler, plays recording of my voice when tilted

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The talking milk jug is a toy that plays a sound when you tilt it over. You can record whatever sound you want to play when it's tilted.

This project started because my toddler enjoys playing with her toy espresso machine, but I wanted to build her a custom milk jug (based on her original one) that used my voice to make a "glug glug" sound when she tilted it over.

Here's the project video:
Here's a shorter video:
Another short:


  • The basis for this project is a sound module (DY-SV5W), tilt switch and speaker.
  • It uses a small lithium-ion battery, charging board and a voltage boost module to get to 5v for the sound module.
  • The electronics assemble onto a "skid" and then are inserted into the milk jug housing.
  • I'm sure this could have been built several different ways.
  • My goal was to do this with off the shelf components, while trying to keep it simple.
  • Tilt switch - This a simple switch that is triggered by turning it a certain angle. It's a lo-fi way of not needing to use an IMU or microcontroller.
  • Sound module (DY-SV5W) - this is a low cost sound module, which can store and play mp3 files. It's fairly small and can drive a 5w speaker.

Parts used:


MPEG Video - 159.00 kB - 08/21/2024 at 00:46


Milk Jug v2.STL

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 233.09 kB - 08/21/2024 at 00:45


Cow Print v1.stl

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 8.08 MB - 08/21/2024 at 00:44


Milk Jug Lid Skid v5.STL

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 325.86 kB - 08/21/2024 at 00:44


Mounting Bracket v4.STL

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 172.25 kB - 08/21/2024 at 00:44


View all 8 files

  • 1
    1. 3d print all the files
    2. Screw the speaker into the base.
    3. Double-side tape the battery onto the back of the speaker.
    4. Screw the inner frame onto the base.
    5. The charging board is held in place between the inner frame and the base.
    6. Screw the sound module onto the inner frame (with the spacer in between).
    7. Put the tilt switch into the tilt switch bracket and screw the bracket into the inner frame.
    8. Put the on/off switch into the base and secure it with a dab of E6000 glue.
    9. Solder everything together
  • 2
    Record Sound
    1. For this specific sound module, it uses a micro-SD card to store mp3 files.
    2. To record a new sound, you'll need to remove the card and save your mp3 to it.
    3. The file name will need to be 00001.mp3 in order for it to play when the "IO1" pin on the sound module is grounded.
    4. The sound module dip switches should be set to: 1 = up, 2 = down, 3 = down
    5. Adjust the volume with the grey rotary pot, using a philips screwdriver.
    6. This link gives more info on the sound module: DY-SV5W MP3 Music Player Voice Module | 5W Amplifier (

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kristina panos wrote 08/24/2024 at 22:48 point

Great project! Thanks for sending it to the tips line -- I wrote up a post and it should publish soon. :)

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Franklinstein wrote 08/25/2024 at 01:27 point

I appreciate it - thank you!

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