Male header pins are the first to be added to the PCB assembly process. Since we did not have header pins that were precisely the right length, we joined two of them to make one that was longer.
In order to ensure that the pins will not bend during soldering, we placed the breakout board on a breadboard before soldering the pins.
We use a soldering iron to secure the pins in place.
PCB Assembly is now completed.
We insert the breakout board into the Lattepanda's header pins in the correct order to test this arrangement.
The next step is to set up the LED testing setup, which consists of five 3mm through-hole LEDs placed on a breadboard. The negative of each LED is connected to the negative of the other LEDs, and a 1K resistor is added. The GND of the Latte Panda is connected to the 1K resistor, allowing current to flow through it.
Six jumper wires were now connected to the breakout board's D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, and GND pins.
GND will be linked to a 1K resistance, and all of the Latte Panda's I/O pins, D0 through D4, will be connected to the positive terminals of the five LEDs.
We created a basic chaser sketch using the Arduino IDE and uploaded it to the Atmega32U by first choosing the Arduino Leonardo board in the board manager and then the COM port, which was COM3.
Once the code was uploaded to the Atmega32u, an LED chaser sequence began to run, indicating that the setup was successful. With the Atmega32U that was provided, we may now connect a variety of devices to the Lattepanda.
We are currently developing a portable gaming console with the Lattepanda 3 Delta that integrates a custom gamepad with the SBC utilizing the Atemag32U's GPIO. I will provide an update on this project soon.
Overall, this project is now complete and needs no further revision.
Thanks for reaching this far, and special thanks to Seeed Studio Fusion for supporting this project. Check them out for all sorts of PCB manufacturing and assembly services for great quality and less price.
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