
Keyboard Development Boards (QMK-VIA)

STM32F411 (LQFP64) and RP2040 Modules for QMK and VIA Keyboard Software Development

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Keyboard Development Modules:

Development boards to assist in development of QMK/VIA based keyboards from scratch using either an STM32F411 (LQFP64 72mm x 32mm) or RP2040 (42mm x 49mm). An optional bare-bones keyboard PCB is also includes.

Bare-bones Keyboard includes; HS Connectors, Diodes, RGB Leds, Caps Lock Led, Rotary Encoder and RGB leds (∼80%, 98 keys including 10 macro keys).

Module to Keyboard connection via a 30 pin 1.27mm pitch connector or 30 pin FFC / FPC ribbon connector.
Optional 1.27" to 2.54" expander board to facilitate testing without the need for the bare-bones keyboard.

Hardware: Micro, Keys, etc...

Micros: STM32F411RETx & RP2040

Software Support: QMK/VIA

Switches: MX type hot-swappable

Keys: 98 Keys + Encoder Switch (includes 10 Dedicated Macro Keys)

Rotary Encoder: Volume / RGB.


  • Kicad version 8.0.6+1, release build...
  • Plugins: KLE Placer (saves so much time with layout, a must have).
  • QMK Configurator

Other references:

Will publish Kicad files and Code after validation...


Current BOM (may change)...

Comma-Separated Values - 2.54 kB - 12/26/2024 at 14:39


  • Bare-bones Keyboard II

    Michael O'Toole12/27/2024 at 07:19 0 comments

    Working on a new version of the bare-bones board


    • Changed RGB to SK6812MINI RGB (much easier to hand solder).
    • Moved Rotary Encoder to right side in place of the pause button (as it is rarely, ever ever used).
    • Pin compatible connector, serves both STM32 and RP2040 development modules.


    The bare-bones keyboard PCB is intended for development along with either the STM32 or RP2040 development modules. My main aim was to simplify development and limit potential problems by separating development into two parts, then combine to create the final keyboard.

    Nothing is wasted, as I can combine any module with a bare-bone board to create a working keyboard.

    I will update this log when I complete the new board...

  • Additional Images

    Michael O'Toole12/26/2024 at 14:27 0 comments

    Place holder for additional images 

    Cols/Rows numbering from and usevia app (encoder on left)

  • Keyboard Expander

    Michael O'Toole12/21/2024 at 01:50 0 comments

    Expands the 1.27" connector to 2.54" for ease of testing (the 1.27" connector is too small to safely probe). The expander board also includes an optional 30 pin FFC / FPC ribbon connector as an optional method to connect future boards. All Kicad files will be published after validating operation.

  • RP2040 Keyboard Development Module

    Michael O'Toole12/14/2024 at 11:13 0 comments

    Added an RP2040 Development Board to project.

    This module is for testing RP2040 based keyboards and supports all the available GPIO's. It includes four RGB leds for general testing of RGB code but can drive a led strip or the keyboard RGB via the 3 pin connector. 

    A 30 pin 1.27" pitch connector connects to the test keyboard consisting of 99 MX Switches, 99 Matrix Diodes, 99 RGB leds and no processor... it is used for testing both STM32F411 and RP2040 modules. 

    Note, the 1.27"connector is too small for real world testing, so I have added an expansion/conversion board to convert from 1.27" to 2.74" and also include a 0.1" ribbon cable connector as an alternate connection method.

    In an ideal world, the keyboard connector would  have the same pin-out for both STM32F411 and RP2040.

  • and other update

    Michael O'Toole11/17/2024 at 22:50 0 comments

    Echo Keyboards

    As I'm working on several keyboards, I grouped them under the brand name Echo Keyboards...

    Models are:

    • Ayla80 (10x10 matrix and Blackpill Module ... 80%)
    • Ayla II : 6x17 matrix and an STM32F411 (64 pin) Micro. 80%
    • Cashel: 6x20 matrix and an STM32F411 (64 pin) Micro. 100%
    • Mioke: 10x10 matrix STM32411 (48 pin) Micro. Number Pad with Macros.


    Finally worked out how to use correctly to generate the required code, I was just copying the raw data instead of downloading the json file which made life more difficult...

    This link solved most of my problems:

    I have created a new git repo for the current code: here

  • Testing New STMF411 Board

    Michael O'Toole11/06/2024 at 19:07 0 comments

    Received two prototype (populated) boards in post. Preliminary test went well, everything appear correct, including the code for the new 6 x 17 matrix layout as opposed to the 10 x10 matrix used in my original Blackpill keyboard.

    I failed to notice that QMK supports 25xx-series for SPI (and 24xx-series for IC2) so the current test EEPROM footprint needs changing.

    As noted earlier, the new dev board are designed to use a 6 x 17 matrix and the QMK keyboard files require updates to reflect this. After updates to the code, the keyboard generate the correct codes but the layout in needs a little work, the Enter key is not in the correct position ++

    Update: 21, December

    Corrected STM32F411 code, now all key in the correct place, ISO/ANSI switching works, everything else works with usevia including settings RGB... but awaiting expaned board to test RGB.

    Added RP2040 version (awaiting boards from PCBWay)... are we there yet?

    Added Expander Board (awaiting boards from JLCPCB)... Arerived, perfect...

  • More Connections

    Michael O'Toole10/12/2024 at 16:46 0 comments

    STM32 Keyboard Development Module (adding more to options board)...

    Added optional program header, connections for MISO, MOSI, SCK and SS

View all 7 project logs

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