
FriendlyStack Reminder

Stop Using Post-it Notes and Sending Emails to Yourself!

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I've created an ESP32-S3 based gadget to help you remember stuff.
Despite having access to various digital and analog solutions, I kept using sticky notes and sending emails to myself. When I realized that many others were doing the same, I created something better by combining these two approaches.
What started as a personal tool quickly evolved into a product. Initially, I produced my own hardware. However, I soon realized that to share FriendlyStack Reminder with the world, I would need to handle production, quality assurance, certifications, logistics, and other not-so-exciting tasks. This prompted me to devise what I call "distributed manufacturing and logistics." I decided to forgo my own hardware in favor of a low-cost, mass-produced, and globally distributed microcontroller module (WT32-SC01 Plus), which could be paired with web-based software installation and a range of 3D printable cases, resulting in a highly customizable and affordable product.

I've shared some designs for 3D printable cases on Printables.

Get Yours on FriendlyStack Home

Supports WT32-SC01 Plus and WT32-SC01 modules. The WT32-SC01 Plus module is preferred due to its superior viewing angles. The case models provided on Printables currently only support the WT32-SC01 Plus module.

  • 1 × WT32-SC01 Plus (preferred) or WT32-SC01
  • 1 × 3D Printed Case (see models on printables)
  • 1 × USB-C Cable (90 degrees angled)

  • Whitelisting Is Now Optional

    Dimitrios Kallivroussis01/03/2025 at 21:27 0 comments

    To keep spam from showing up on your display, FriendlyStack Reminder filters your messages and will only show messages sent from specific email addresses. As this functionality was enabled by default, no task would show up, if you did not specify any whitelisted addresses. As some users were confused by this behavior, filtering is now off by default and will only be enabled if whitelisted addresses are specified (see picture below). The firmware and the instruction manual have been updated accordingly.
    To update your FriendlyStack Reminder just reinstall the firmware (all settings will be retained).

    Keep the feedback coming, I'm listening to you...

  • One More Case Option

    Dimitrios Kallivroussis12/13/2024 at 13:48 0 comments

    For those of you who like to push things a bit harder, I've created a variant of the case, featuring a larger base so it will not tip over. Additionally I added a reset button for convenience. Yo will find the new model on

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Steven wrote 12/12/2024 at 15:31 point

This is very cool. I would totally use one.

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Dimitrios Kallivroussis wrote 12/13/2024 at 14:00 point

Thank You! You can get one on
The software has been stable for six months now (as final as software gets). I am mainly tinkering with additional case designs and ways for providing affordable options for people without access to a 3D printer...

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Ken Yap wrote 11/20/2024 at 21:18 point

Well, actually your competition isn't Post-it notes or email, it's online calendars which can be updated from a phone or a desktop computer. Some people will be hesitant to use the cloud but then email would also need the cloud.

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Dimitrios Kallivroussis wrote 12/04/2024 at 21:03 point

I'm not sure if I agree with this: online calendars work very differently than Post-It notes or FriendlyStack Reminder. With online calendars, you either have to remember to check them to see if you forgot something (a weird concept) or have them remind you that you forgot something when you have no time to deal with the issue (and thus will ignore the reminder). Post-It notes and FriendlyStack Reminder, are placed in strategic locations, right in your field of view. You see them, dozens of times, day in and day out, until you are ready to take action!

I do agree, that using a (cloud) service, which you don't control, requires a certain level of trust. Using standard email gives you freedom of choice regarding your service provider and your preferred email app. You don't have to trust the big data-hungry ones nor do you have to get used to a new tool.

After all, this is exactly why I developed FriendlyStack Reminder the way it is!

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Ken Yap wrote 12/04/2024 at 21:23 point

Mmm, my calendar reminds me 15 minutes (can be chosen, and with a variety of notifications) ahead of time of the event for things that have to be done at a certain time. There are also all-day-events. If a reminder persists you can make it a task which sticks around until you dismiss it. As for being in the field of view, checking the calendar is just part of checking the phone for the time, weather, etc. It's also integrated with my desktop so I see notifications while working there.

Calendars are available from a variety of providers, including the ones that provide email. You can use a different provider from your email provider too.

Online calendars can also receive inputs from sources like online bookings and email, no need to transcribe.

It's integrated with a device you already have so no extra device needed. This is the main objection: Yet Another Device to Carry Around. Of course if you don't trust or carry a phone, then maybe FriendlyStack Reminder can do the job.

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