
PCB v4 Schematic & Design

A project log for Refreshable Braille Display

Refreshable Braille Display powered by PCB electromagnets

basim-cheema-sabirBasim Cheema-Sabir 12/18/2024 at 03:270 Comments

Update 12/17/2024:

Researched different ICs for controlling a full 6-dot braille cell.

TLC6C5912-Q1 12-bit shift register, to control all 12 outputs associated with the full cell. Two outputs are required for each dot to drive current in both directions.

DRV8212DRLR H-bridge motor driver IC, to take digital signal from shift register and enable current flow in a specified direction.

Completed PCB v4 design:

3D render:

KiCad design:

Completed PCB v4 Schematic:

(coils not shown)
