
Debug PCBs on the way!

A project log for Pocket ESP Cardputer

A jack of all trades multi tool for the busy prepper or technician.

stabbyjackStabbyJack 02/09/2025 at 23:352 Comments

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates—I’ve been busy working on things behind the scenes.

The first board order had some issues, so I switched to a cheaper, slightly larger board for debugging. Once everything is sorted, I’ll port the changes back to the smaller board.

Here’s a sneak peek:

I’ll post more updates as soon as these arrive!


StabbyJack wrote 02/13/2025 at 06:45 point

Thank you, I've moved to a single sided board to reduce costs as I integrate things. Once its all sorted I'll shrink it back down =3

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Colpr wrote 02/13/2025 at 01:51 point

very clean board design

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