
[X] Bending the lever

A project log for Tetizmol [gd0153]

A Tetwice-layout keyboard designed to be abysmal.

kelvinakelvinA 12/02/2024 at 17:410 Comments

By pressing the switch multiple times to get a feel on how it best touches the finger, my current plan is a single 45-degree bend that starts 4mm to the end:

From the experiment (described below), it looks like the bend radius is 1.5mm.

I was able to use a G-clamp for a quick experiment:

I basically held this up infront of the CAD model on my monitor and aligned the bend. 

The 45° bend sufficiently allows the finger to slide over the lever and not catch/scrape on the sharp edge, similar to the little tabs in a USB-A port.

At this new bend, the forces for actuation and reset are 17g and 10.5g respectively.
