
Linear Delta Robot 3D printed

3D printed linear servo's used to drive a small Delta robot

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* Based on Kinematics article from Steve Graves:
* And an adaptation of the linear servo's from Massimiliano d'amario:

This is the first attempt to use 3D printed servo's for a Delta robot.

I am now working on the Arduino software...


This gear has to be printed 3 times. It fits exactly over one of the standard horns. Please cut of exess of the horns!

- 37.00 bytes - 03/05/2017 at 15:04


Deltatriangle top1.stl

This part to be printed once; it is the top of the unit.

- 55.00 bytes - 03/05/2017 at 15:04



This part to be printed 3 times. It may be necessary to sand in order to fit smoothly in the Deltatriangle parts.

- 37.00 bytes - 03/05/2017 at 15:04


Deltatriangle bottom1.stl

This part to be printed once. It is the bottom part of the unit. The wires coming from the servo's should be put through the holes.

- 61.00 bytes - 03/05/2017 at 15:04



This part to be printed once.

- 43.00 bytes - 03/05/2017 at 15:04


  • 3 × TowerPro Micro Servo 9g SG90
  • 12 × Ball links
  • 1 × Arduino
  • 1 × 3D printed parts. Print with accurate sticking to print bed!

  • 1
    Step 1

    Print the .stl files preferrably without brims, they are difficult to remove. It may be necessary to sand the beams in order to fit.

    Please inform me if the .stl files are not in the correct size....

    When constructing, set the servo's in the middle position, set the beams in the middle position and then fix the gears in their middle position.

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Jarrett wrote 04/11/2018 at 17:06 point

Looks like a Stewart platform

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