Quantity   Component name
1 × Arduino Nano 3.0 https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005005966863817.html
1 × DFRobot LSM303DLH Tilt Compensated Compass https://core-electronics.com.au/lsm303-breakout-board-tilt-compensated-compass.html
1 × Adafruit Powerboost 1000c https://core-electronics.com.au/powerboost-1000-charger-rechargeable-5v-lipo-usb-boost-at-1a-1000c.html
1 × U-blox NEO-6M Compatible GPS Module https://core-electronics.com.au/u-blox-neo-6m-gps-module.html
1 × 3.7v 1100mAH LiPo Battery https://core-electronics.com.au/polymer-lithium-ion-battery-1000mah-38458.html
1 × NeoPixel Ring 24 x2812 5050 RGB LED https://core-electronics.com.au/neopixel-ring-24-x-ws2812-5050-rgb-led-with-integrated-drivers.html
1 × 220Ω Resistor
1 × 330Ω Resistor
1 × 1000 µF Capacitor
1 × Red LED
1 × Mini On/Off Push-Button Switch https://core-electronics.com.au/mini-on-off-push-button-switch.html
2 × Tactile 4-pin micro button switches
8 × M3 bolts 35mm Also a smaller m3 bolt to hold the switch in place.
1 × M2.5 bolts, nuts & standoffs Various sizes for attaching the modules to the PCB and components to the enclosure
1 × Brass Heat-Set M3 inserts https://core-electronics.com.au/brass-heat-set-inserts-for-plastic-m3-x-4mm-50-pack.html
1 × Wire I used dupont wire (I am a coward)
1 × Headers for PCB