Originally this project was created by the late Karin Orton. PhilG and I did some rework on the original code programmed into a PIC16F877. My contribution is adding a halt-reset emulation so you can use the halt instruction to stop and the halt-reset to continue. The computer has 32K RAM with the NIBL BASIC moved into the first 4K of the RAM. This first page is write protected to emulate ROM. The 28 K RAM can be used freely. The PCB is designed by myself and I added a 82C55 PIA with three I/O ports. On PORTA an eight bit ledbar is connected. The other two ports can be used as input or output ports. On the board two digitast switches are used. The halt-reset with a LED and SA without a LED. For the reset of the PIC a simple push-button is used. The PIC runs native SC/MP NIBL. In the original design FLAG0 had to be inverted, this is now done in software.
For the communication a USB-C FTDI is used. The speed is 2400 Baud.(8N1)