Below are instructions for replicating and running this project. These instructions are gradually being improved. One step at a time.
- Upload the Python file to a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH via SSH and run it using the following command: python3
- Before exiting your terminal session from step one, use Screen to keep the Python file operating.
- Allow your Raspberry Pi computer and Adafruit sensor contraption to record data for as long as desired.
- Once you have collected enough temperature data, export your temperature_log.csv file from the Raspberry Pi unit, onto your main computer.
- Finally, visualize your data using the HTML, CSS and JavaScript files provided on the related GitHub repository.
Please Note
There are three kinds of graphs available for exploring your temperature measurements. The first (type of) chart displays an average twenty four hour period, based on all of your readings. Whereas the second variety of charts displays each day's measurements, from when measurements began until their ending. And the third chart consists of a line graph, which visualizes average hourly temperatures; as seen below.

Also, in my experience, the Python file will generate between three and four megabytes of data every twenty four hours. Although your results may vary.